Trade Information

Indices of series KZGB_CPm1m

KZGB_CPm1m Settlement Date Last value Change to previous value, % Change from the beginning of the month, % Change from the beginning of the year, %
KZGB_CPm1m 23.10.24 984,80 -0,30 -0,10
KZGB_Ym1m 23.10.24 12,62 +0,40 +0,24
Duration 23.10.24 3,94 -0,51 -1,50
ModDuration 23.10.24 3,51 -0,57 -1,68
KZGB_CPm1m - "clean" prices index, reflecting changes in the value of non-indexed government securities of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan with a maturity of 31 days or more, calculated at prices excluding accrued and unpaid coupon interest, KZT
  • KZGB_Ym1m - yield indicator, %,
  • Duration – index duration, in years,
  • ModDuration – modified duration,
  • Index update time: daily from 11:30 am to 8:00 pm (GMT +05:00)
  • Index change: calculated when the indicator is published relative to the value of the previous trading day
(Currently, a representative list with calculation parameters is published in the public domain. The Exchange reserves the right to transfer the publication of the specified list to its own information products)