KASE Index 5 636,23 TONIA 16,06 TRION 16,09 TWINA 16,11 SWAP-1D 11,86 SWAP-2D 11,63 MM_INDEX 15,44 MBM_INDEX 1 052,41 USDKZT_TOM 500,67 CNYKZT_TOD 68,85 EURKZT_TOM 546,52 RUBKZT_TOM 6,04 EURUSD_TOM 1,09 USDCNY_TOD 7,24 KZGB_CPm1m 920,37 KZGB_DPm1m 1 066,63 KASE_ESGB_Y 18,64 KASE_BMC 98,61
+0,15 %
+2,16 %
+2,35 %
+0,44 %
+3,85 %
+3,38 %
+5,11 %
-1,78 %
+0,83 %
+0,31 %
+0,66 %
-1,24 %
-0,02 %
-0,14 %
-2,59 %
-2,39 %
+0,59 %
-0,16 %
KASE Index 5 636,23 TONIA 16,06 TRION 16,09 TWINA 16,11 SWAP-1D 11,86 SWAP-2D 11,63 MM_INDEX 15,44 MBM_INDEX 1 052,41 USDKZT_TOM 500,67 CNYKZT_TOD 68,85 EURKZT_TOM 546,52 RUBKZT_TOM 6,04 EURUSD_TOM 1,09 USDCNY_TOD 7,24 KZGB_CPm1m 920,37 KZGB_DPm1m 1 066,63 KASE_ESGB_Y 18,64 KASE_BMC 98,61
+0,15 %
+2,16 %
+2,35 %
+0,44 %
+3,85 %
+3,38 %
+5,11 %
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+0,83 %
+0,31 %
+0,66 %
-1,24 %
-0,02 %
-0,14 %
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-2,39 %
+0,59 %
-0,16 %
KASE Index 5 636,23 TONIA 16,06 TRION 16,09 TWINA 16,11 SWAP-1D 11,86 SWAP-2D 11,63 MM_INDEX 15,44 MBM_INDEX 1 052,41 USDKZT_TOM 500,67 CNYKZT_TOD 68,85 EURKZT_TOM 546,52 RUBKZT_TOM 6,04 EURUSD_TOM 1,09 USDCNY_TOD 7,24 KZGB_CPm1m 920,37 KZGB_DPm1m 1 066,63 KASE_ESGB_Y 18,64 KASE_BMC 98,61
+0,15 %
+2,16 %
+2,35 %
+0,44 %
+3,85 %
+3,38 %
+5,11 %
-1,78 %
+0,83 %
+0,31 %
+0,66 %
-1,24 %
-0,02 %
-0,14 %
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-2,39 %
+0,59 %
-0,16 %
News & events

AS OF MARCH 17, KASE LAUNCHES A NEW VERSION OF ITS OFFICIAL WEBSITE/KASE, March 17, 2025/ – Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE, or the
Exchange) announces that as of March 17, 2025, a new version of KASE's
official website is available at https://kase.kz/
At the same time, KASE will continue to maintain the previous version of its
official website, which will be available at http://old.kase.kz
KASE website has evolved to be more dynamic and easier to use. Its key
benefits include a contemporary design, enhanced navigation, and rich
informational content. The website is accessible in adaptive formats (desktop,
tablet, and mobile) in Kazakh, Russian, and English.
In the process of creating the latest version of the website, the following
solutions were applied:
- the layout of the pages has been developed in alignment with the
fundamental concepts of UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience);
- the homepage has been enhanced by refining existing elements and
incorporating new features, such as an ergonomic slider and "Call-to-Action"
buttons that direct users to various internal pages of the website;
- the website menu has been streamlined, and navigation throughout the
sections has been enhanced to facilitate a better user experience with the
desired information;
- internal linking among pages (cross-linking) has been established, enabling
users to navigate seamlessly through the website's sections;
- the content on the landing pages has been refreshed and tailored to meet
the specific needs of different user categories (investors, issuers, trading
participants, subscribers to stock exchange information) to boost the
website's informative value;
- additional functionalities have been incorporated, including a checklist
for potential listed companies, filters for the financial instruments section,
and news updates;
- the Trading View chart library has been upgraded.
The official website of KASE remains a key resource for enhancing the customer
orientation of the Exchange and its services, acting as the primary channel for
information regarding Kazakhstan's stock market, the Exchange's operations, its
participants, listed companies, and financial products.
KASE appreciates any feedback from users about the website and encourages
sending comments and suggestions to web@kase.kz.
17.03.2025 09:30