Trade Information

Listed companies

Listed companies

Status of listed company - is the new important level in your company

To detail with available options to raise the capital and requirements with the disclosure of information

Information transparency

Disclosure of information - is required condition for succesful placement of securities and also maintaining liquidity during the circulation on stock exchange

A high level of transparency of the company facilitates the process of attracting additional funds and increases the confidence of shareholders and potential investors to increase the capitalization of the company

List of documents

The documents subject to provision during the period of securities in the official list of KASE
The procedure of monitoring of information disclosure by the initiators of admission of securities

Award Winners

Every year KASE conducts the awards of listing companies, showing the best examples of business behavior on securities market in part of information disclosure about themselves and their activities

Winners of 2021
Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan JSC
Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC
National company "KazMunayGaz" JSC
NAC Kazatomprom JSC