Trade Information


coupon bonds KZ2C00011229 (KZ2C00011229)
JSC "NMH "Baiterek"
Last coupon rate, % APR : 13,500
Days to maturity: 210
Circulation period: 23.05.24 – 23.05.25
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Bonds m. KZT th. USD
23.10.24 99,9734 101,0501 0 0,0 0,0
22.10.24 99,9700 101,0674 0 0,0 0,0
From 29.05.24 99,9467 100,0310 101,6794 99,0000 38 223 0,229 0,481
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Bonds m. KZT th. USD
23.10.24 1 057,8590 1 068,6260 0 0,0 0,0
22.10.24 1 056,3250 1 067,2990 0 0,0 0,0
From 29.05.24 1 039,5920 1 024,6728 1 039,5920 1 004,1250 38 223 0,229 0,481
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Bonds m. KZT th. USD
23.10.24 0 0,0 0,0
22.10.24 13,50 11,50 0 0,0 0,0
From 29.05.24 13,50 13,41 14,87 11,50 38 223 0,229 0,481

Last 10 deals with BTRKb12
(except for special trading sessions)

Deal date Deal time Value trend, % Объём бумаг Volume, mln KZT Volume, USD th
10.09.24 11:29:33 99,9467 +0,00 4 0,004 0,009
03.09.24 14:42:07 99,9455 -0,05 4 0,004 0,009
03.09.24 14:15:56 100,0000 0 1 0,001 0,002
29.08.24 15:24:14 100,0000 +0,06 1 0,001 0,002
28.08.24 11:29:42 99,9450 -0,06 20 0,021 0,043
26.08.24 16:08:44 100,0000 +1,01 1 0,001 0,002
23.08.24 11:39:31 99,0000 0 5 0,005 0,011
23.08.24 11:39:31 99,0000 -0,95 1 0,001 0,002
19.08.24 13:51:37 99,9450 -0,06 1 0,001 0,002
16.08.24 16:26:44 100,0000 0 20 0,021 0,043
Deal date Deal time Value trend, % Объём бумаг Volume, mln KZT Volume, USD th
10.09.24 11:29:33 1 039,5925 +0,00 4 0,004 0,009
03.09.24 14:42:07 1 036,9550 -0,05 4 0,004 0,009
03.09.24 14:15:56 1 037,5000 0 1 0,001 0,002
29.08.24 15:24:14 1 036,0000 +0,06 1 0,001 0,002
28.08.24 11:29:42 1 035,0750 -0,06 20 0,021 0,043
26.08.24 16:08:44 1 034,8800 +1,01 1 0,001 0,002
23.08.24 11:39:31 1 023,7500 0 5 0,005 0,011
23.08.24 11:39:31 1 023,7500 -0,95 1 0,001 0,002
19.08.24 13:51:37 1 031,7000 -0,06 1 0,001 0,002
16.08.24 16:26:44 1 031,1250 0 20 0,021 0,043
Deal date Deal time Value, % APR trend, b.p. Объём бумаг Volume, mln KZT Volume, USD th
10.09.24 11:29:33 13,50 0 4 0,004 0,009
03.09.24 14:42:07 13,50 +8 4 0,004 0,009
03.09.24 14:15:56 13,42 0 1 0,001 0,002
29.08.24 15:24:14 13,42 -8 1 0,001 0,002
28.08.24 11:29:42 13,50 +8 20 0,021 0,043
26.08.24 16:08:44 13,42 -145 1 0,001 0,002
23.08.24 11:39:31 14,87 0 5 0,005 0,011
23.08.24 11:39:31 14,87 +137 1 0,001 0,002
19.08.24 13:51:37 13,50 +8 1 0,001 0,002
16.08.24 16:26:44 13,42 0 20 0,021 0,043

Other securities JSC "NMH "Baiterek"

Symbol ISIN Board Sector Category Trades Index
BTRKb1 KZ2C00005718 main debt securities bonds 27.03.19
BTRKb4 KZ2C00007052 main debt securities облигации 10.12.20
BTRKb5 KZ2C00007060 main debt securities облигации 15.12.20 KASE_BM*
BTRKb6 KZ2C00007078 main debt securities облигации 15.12.20
BTRKb7 KZ2C00007383 main debt securities облигации 17.05.21 KASE_BM*
BTRKb8 KZ2C00008332 main debt securities облигации 23.12.21 KASE_BM*
BTRKb9 KZ2C00010304 main debt securities bonds 01.02.24
BTRKb10 KZ2C00010353 main debt securities bonds
BTRKb11 KZ2C00011211 main debt securities bonds 29.05.24 KASE_BM*
BTRKb12 KZ2C00011229 main debt securities bonds 29.05.24 KASE_BM*
BTRKb13 KZ2C00011237 main debt securities bonds 27.06.24 KASE_BM*
BTRKb14 KZ2C00011245 main debt securities bonds 12.09.24
BTRKb15 KZ2C00012243 main debt securities облигации
BTRKb16 KZ2C00012250 main debt securities облигации
KZAGb2 KZ2C00002988 main debt securities bonds 02.03.15
KZAGb3 KZ2C00003226 main debt securities bonds 14.08.15
KZAGb4 KZ2C00003812 main debt securities bonds 24.02.17
KZAGb5 KZ2C00003820 main debt securities bonds 24.02.17
KZAGb6 KZ2C00004323 main debt securities bonds 12.09.18
KZAGb7 KZ2C00004547 main debt securities bonds 08.01.19
Trading code:
List of securities:
official, main board, category "bonds"
System of quotation:
clean price
Unit of quotation:
nominal value percentage fraction
Quotation currency:
Quotation accuracy:
4 characters
Number of securities in one lot:
Trade lists admission date:
Trade opening date:
Bond's name:
coupon bonds
Current coupon rate, % APR:
Currency of issue and service:
Nominal value in issue's currency:
1 000,00
Number of registered bonds:
100 000 000
Issue volume, KZT:
100 000 000 000
Number of bonds outstanding:
100 000 000
Coupon rate type:
Settlement basis (days in month / days in year:
Date of circulation start:
Circulation term, days:
Number of days till nearest coupon payment:
Registry fixation date of the nearest coupon payment:
Period of the next coupon payment:
23.11.24 – 12.12.24
Coupon payment schedule:
Register fixation date at maturity:
Principal repayment period:
Name of issuer's financial cinsultant:
First Heartland Jusan Invest JSC
Admission initiator:
"NMH "Baiterek" JSC