Trade Information

Indices of series KASE_ESGB*

Settlement Date Last value Change to previous value, % Change from the beginning of the month, % Change from the beginning of the year, %
KASE_ESGB_CP 03.03.25 160,4219 +61,03 +61,03 +58,77
KASE_ESGB_DP 03.03.25 169,2310 +60,68 +60,68 +60,85
KASE_ESGB_Y 03.03.25 17,52 -7,40 -7,40 -4,11
Duration 03.03.25 2,18 +0,46 +0,46 -4,39
KASE_ESGB_CP — index of "clean" prices reflecting the change in the value of sustainable development bonds (ESG bonds) of the Exchange's official list, aimed at financing projects in the field of ecology, environmental protection and socially significant projects, calculated at prices excluding accrued and unpaid coupon interest, %
KASE_ESGB_DP – index of "dirty" prices, reflecting the change in the value of ESG bonds of the Exchange's official list, calculated at prices taking into account the accrued coupon interest and reinvested coupon payment, %
KASE_ESGB_Y – ESG bond yield indicator, in percent per annum
Duration – duration of the ESG bond index, in years.

  • Indicator update time: daily from 11:30 am to 8:00 pm (GMT +05:00),
  • Indicator change: calculated when the indicator is published relative to the value of the previous trading day