Trade Information

TONIA Compounded

04.03.25 14,9296 15,0936 14,7693 1,7417364795
03.03.25 14,9325 15,0964 14,7600 1,7410429243
02.03.25 14,9278 15,0987 14,7503 1,7403421075
01.03.25 14,9231 15,1015 14,7419 1,7396412906
28.02.25 14,9008 15,1028 14,7255 1,7389404738
27.02.25 14,8972 15,0873 14,7144 1,7382223261

TCI (TONIA Compounded Index) – TONIA composite index calculated every calendar day based on the last calculated value of TONIA indicator.

TCR (TONIA Compounded Rate) – TONIA compounded rate calculated every calendar day based on TCI values. The calculation uses a windowing equal to the actual number of calendar days during the period under consideration. ТСR is calculated for one month (TCR_1M), three months (TCR_3M), and six months (TCR_6M) tenors


• TCI, basis points;

• TCR, % per annum.

Indicators update time: daily from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (GMT +06:00).

Indicators change: calculated when the indicator is published relative to the value of the previous trading day

KASE calculates and publishes TONIA Compounded composite indicators every calendar day.