Trade Information


0 0%
Mutual Funds KZPF00000132 IIMF "allGA" First Heartland Jusan Invest JSC
managed by First Heartland Jusan Invest JSC

Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Shares m. KZT th. USD
28.06.24 (17:00) 979,33 979,00 979,33 979,33 979,33 979,33 1 0 0,002 0,004
27.06.24 979,33 979,33 979,33 979,33 979,33 979,33 1 0 0,006 0,012
Last 52 weeks 979,94 989,20 1 017,21 953,93 810 371 164,0 362,1
Недостаточно данных для построения графика

Last 10 deals with FHJIag
(except for special trading sessions)

Deal date Deal time Price, value Price, trend % Number of shares, pcs. Volume, mln KZT Volume, USD th
28.06.24 12:44:24 979,33 0 45 0,002 0,004
27.06.24 12:58:23 979,33 -0,29 120 0,005 0,012
25.06.24 12:50:16 982,15 +0,40 4 0,000 0,000
25.06.24 11:29:43 978,23 0 79 0,004 0,008
25.06.24 11:29:43 978,23 +0,22 6 0,000 0,001
24.06.24 11:29:47 976,07 -0,20 23 0,001 0,002
21.06.24 14:35:52 978,00 +0,19 32 0,001 0,003
21.06.24 11:29:39 976,14 0 80 0,004 0,008
21.06.24 11:29:39 976,14 +0,07 9 0,000 0,001
20.06.24 15:47:50 975,49 0 22 0,001 0,002

Other securities First Heartland Jusan Invest JSC

Symbol ISIN Board Sector Category Trades Index
FHJIag KZPF00000132 mix investment fund securities 31.12.20
FHJIds KZPF00000173 mix investment fund securities 31.12.20
FHJIhm KZPF00000124 mix investment fund securities 31.12.20
FHJIpc KZPF00000140 mix investment fund securities 30.01.20
Trading code:
List of securities:
Quotation currency:
Quotation accuracy:
2 characters
Number of securities in one lot:
Listing date:
Trades opening date:
Full name:
Interval Investments Mutual Fund "allGA"
Fund type:
Managing company:
First Heartland Jusan Invest JSC
Nominal of unit:
1 000,00
Date of official registration:
JSC "Central securities depository" (Almaty)
Subsidiary Bank Sberbank of Russia JSC
Highlighted news contain information on the company ratings
26.06.24 16:04 From June 27, First Heartland Jusan Invest JSC is assigned status of market maker on KASE for bonds KZ2C00011237 (BTRKb13) of Baiterek NMH JSC
21.06.24 18:44 National managing holding "Baiterek" on June 21 raised KZT50.0 bn on KASE by placing bonds KZ2C00011237 (BTRKb13) at 14.05 % APR
21.06.24 09:00 Special trading session for offering of 50.0 mln bonds KZ2C00011237 (BTRKb13) of National managing holding "Baiterek" is held on KASE today
20.06.24 18:08 Kazakhstan Sustainability Fund on June 20 raised KZT9.9 bn on KASE by placing bonds KZ2C00010569 (KFUSb67) at weighted average yield to maturity of 13.67 % APR
20.06.24 10:54 As of June 21 First Heartland Jusan Invest assigned status of market maker on KASE for bonds KZ2C00011211 (BTRKb11) and KZ2C00011229 (BTRKb12) of NMH "Baiterek"
20.06.24 10:52 /REPEAT/ Special trading session for offering of 50.0 mln bonds KZ2C00011237 (BTRKb13) of National managing holding "Baiterek" will be held on KASE on June 21
20.06.24 08:36 Special trading session for offering of 10.0 mln bonds KZ2C00010569 (KFUSb67) of Kazakhstan Sustainability Fund is held on KASE today
18.06.24 17:44 Special trading session for offering of 50.0 mln bonds KZ2C00011237 (BTRKb13) of National managing holding "Baiterek" will be held on KASE on June 21
18.06.24 10:53 Special trading session for offering of 10.0 mln bonds KZ2C00010569 (KFUSb67) of Kazakhstan Sustainability Fund will be held on KASE on June 20
05.06.24 16:16 Bonds KZ2P00011398 (MFRFb13) of Microfinance organization "R-Finance" passed listing procedure on KASE in "bonds" category of alternative market
All issuer news