Trade Information
the total market value of shares of the company – 26 818,10 m. KZT ($60,37 m.)
Republic of Kazakhstan, 050040, Almaty, Bostandycsky district, Al-Farabi ave., 77/7, BC "Esentai Tower", 7th floor
Primary activity:
brokerage and dealer activities
Chief executive officer:
Lukyanov Sergey Chairman of the Management Board
Symbol ISIN Board Sector Category Trades Index
FFIN KZ1C00001262 alternative shares 21.12.16
FFINgw KZPF00000090 mix investment fund securities 13.02.20
FFIN_or KZPF00000082 mix investment fund securities 28.07.17

as of April 1, 2024 ( previous extract )

Shareholder Common shares, pieces Common shares, shareholding % Preferred shares Total shares, pieces Total shares, shareholding %
FREEDOM HOLDING CORP. 12 781 784 100,00 12 781 784 100,00
Authorized ordinary shares, pieces 20 000 000
Authorized preferred shares, pieces
Issued ordinary shares, pieces 12 781 784
Issued preferred shares, pieces
Treasury ordinary shares, pieces
Treasury preferred shares, pieces
Outstanding ordinary shares, pieces
Outstanding preferred shares, pieces
IndicatorAs of 01.10.23As of 01.07.23
Authorized capital 92 810 824,00 тыс. KZT 72 810 823,00 тыс. KZT
Equity capital 231 072 235,00 тыс. KZT 197 952 490,00 тыс. KZT
Total assets 2 586 719 668,00 тыс. KZT 2 395 845 950,00 тыс. KZT
Total liabilities 2 355 647 433,00 тыс. KZT 2 197 893 460,00 тыс. KZT
Net income 46 669 756,00 тыс. KZT 33 477 428,00 тыс. KZT
Book value of common share 17 748,46 KZT 16 880,59 KZT
ROA 1,80% 1,40%
ROE 20,20% 16,91%
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