Trade Information


discount KZK100000316
The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Days to maturity: 120
Circulation period: 11.01.24 – 11.01.25
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Bonds m. KZT th. USD
13.09.24 0 0,0 0,0
12.09.24 95,8620 96,0387 96,0387 96,0387 96,0387 96,0387 1 100 0,010 0,020
From 12.01.24 96,0387 89,0790 96,0387 88,4485 13 118 179 057 10 527,3 23 156,3
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Bonds m. KZT th. USD
13.09.24 0 0,0 0,0
12.09.24 95,8620 96,0387 96,0387 96,0387 96,0387 96,0387 1 100 0,010 0,020
From 12.01.24 96,0387 89,0790 96,0387 88,4485 13 118 179 057 10 527,3 23 156,3
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Bonds m. KZT th. USD
13.09.24 0 0,0 0,0
12.09.24 13,50 12,90 12,90 12,90 12,90 12,90 1 100 0,010 0,020
From 12.01.24 12,90 13,13 13,24 11,50 13 118 179 057 10 527,3 23 156,3

Last 10 deals with MKM012_0156
(except for special trading sessions)

Deal date Deal time Value trend, % Объём бумаг Volume, mln KZT Volume, USD th
12.09.24 15:27:09 96,0387 +0,41 100 0,010 0,020
02.09.24 14:20:16 95,6501 +0,36 175 0,017 0,035
21.08.24 15:44:22 95,3067 +0,08 1 574 054 150,0 314,6
21.08.24 15:42:58 95,2298 +0,37 5 000 000 476,1 998,6
08.08.24 11:30:03 94,8768 +0,57 4 0,000 0,001
24.07.24 16:08:45 94,3363 +1,31 1 050 000 99,1 209,6
03.06.24 11:33:06 93,1148 +0,50 20 0,002 0,004
29.05.24 16:13:40 92,6515 -0,25 277 350 25,7 58,2
24.05.24 12:13:49 92,8822 +1,08 4 0,000 0,001
03.04.24 16:18:31 91,8863 +0,42 277 350 25,5 56,9
Deal date Deal time Value trend, % Объём бумаг Volume, mln KZT Volume, USD th
12.09.24 15:27:09 96,0387 +0,41 100 0,010 0,020
02.09.24 14:20:16 95,6501 +0,36 175 0,017 0,035
21.08.24 15:44:22 95,3067 +0,08 1 574 054 150,0 314,6
21.08.24 15:42:58 95,2298 +0,37 5 000 000 476,1 998,6
08.08.24 11:30:03 94,8775 +0,57 4 0,000 0,001
24.07.24 16:08:45 94,3363 +1,31 1 050 000 99,1 209,6
03.06.24 11:33:06 93,1150 +0,50 20 0,002 0,004
29.05.24 16:13:40 92,6515 -0,25 277 350 25,7 58,2
24.05.24 12:13:49 92,8825 +1,08 4 0,000 0,001
03.04.24 16:18:31 91,8863 +0,42 277 350 25,5 56,9
Deal date Deal time Value, % APR trend, b.p. Объём бумаг Volume, mln KZT Volume, USD th
12.09.24 15:27:09 12,90 0 100 0,010 0,020
02.09.24 14:20:16 12,90 +12 175 0,017 0,035
21.08.24 15:44:22 12,78 -22 1 574 054 150,0 314,6
21.08.24 15:42:58 13,00 0 5 000 000 476,1 998,6
08.08.24 11:30:03 13,00 0 4 0,000 0,001
24.07.24 16:08:45 13,00 +70 1 050 000 99,1 209,6
03.06.24 11:33:06 12,30 -60 20 0,002 0,004
29.05.24 16:13:40 12,90 +60 277 350 25,7 58,2
24.05.24 12:13:49 12,30 +80 4 0,000 0,001
03.04.24 16:18:31 11,50 -40 277 350 25,5 56,9

Other securities The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Symbol ISIN Sector Trades
KZ_16_2709 RU000A101RV2
government securities 08.10.20
KZ_17_3009 RU000A101RZ3
government securities 08.10.20
KZ_18_2606 RU000A101RT6
government securities 12.07.21
KZ_19_2806 RU000A101RW0
government securities 12.07.21
KZ_20_3106 RU000A101S08
government securities 12.07.21
KZ_21_3106 RU000A101S16
government securities 12.07.21
KZ_22_4507 XS1263139856
government securities 27.08.22
Symbol ISIN Sector Trades
KZ_05_2410 XS1120709669
government securities 29.10.14
KZ_06_4410 XS1120709826
government securities 29.10.14
KZ_07_2507 XS1263054519
government securities 03.06.19
KZ_10_2811 XS1901718335
government securities 19.08.19
KZ_14_2609 XS2050933899
government securities 18.05.20
Symbol ISIN Sector Trades
MUM072_0013 government securities 20.05.21
MUM072_0014 government securities 06.03.23
MUM072_0015 government securities 11.03.24
MUM084_0018 government securities 13.04.21
MUM084_0019 government securities 23.02.24
MUM096_0011 government securities 28.10.20
MUM096_0012 government securities 29.07.21
MUM096_0013 government securities 07.02.22
MUM096_0014 government securities 15.05.23
MUM108_0012 government securities 03.07.17
MUM108_0013 government securities 31.03.20
MUM108_0014 22.05.23
MUM120_0016 government securities 27.05.15
MUM120_0017 government securities 06.03.17
MUM120_0018 government securities 03.07.17
MUM120_0019 government securities 18.03.21
MUM132_0006 government securities 16.07.14
MUM132_0007 government securities 27.07.21
MUM144_0006 government securities 15.08.13
MUM144_0009 government securities 24.08.21
MUM156_0004 government securities 21.09.11
MUM156_0005 government securities 20.06.14
MUM156_0006 government securities 10.05.18
MUM156_0007 government securities 18.02.21
MUM168_0001 government securities 03.10.11
MUM168_0002 government securities 16.11.11
MUM168_0003 government securities 16.04.18
MUM168_0005 government securities 11.03.21
MUM180_0003 government securities 24.11.10
MUM180_0004 government securities 18.08.11
MUM180_0005 government securities 23.11.11
MUM180_0006 government securities 27.03.12
MUM180_0007 government securities 18.09.12
MUM180_0008 government securities 24.10.12
MUM180_0009 government securities 10.12.13
MUM180_0011 government securities 13.08.14
MUM180_0012 government securities 04.02.15
MUM180_0013 government securities 04.04.18
MUM180_0014 government securities 23.04.18
MUM180_0015 government securities 26.08.21
MUM180_0016 government securities 31.01.22
MUM192_0001 government securities 19.10.11
MUM192_0002 government securities 18.04.12
MUM192_0003 government securities 20.09.12
MUM216_0001 government securities 30.07.18
MUM216_0002 government securities 11.02.19
MUM240_0001 government securities 24.04.12
MUM240_0002 government securities 12.05.14
MUM240_0004 government securities 29.01.15
MUM300_0001 government securities 20.12.13
MUM300_0002 government securities 25.07.14
MUM300_0003 government securities 26.02.15
MUM360_0001 government securities 26.09.14
Symbol ISIN Sector Trades
MUJ132_0005 government securities 30.01.14
MUJ144_0003 government securities 12.10.12
MUJ144_0004 government securities 30.05.13
MUJ144_0005 government securities 27.11.13
MUJ156_0003 government securities 27.04.12
MUJ156_0004 government securities 30.09.13
MUJ168_0004 government securities 29.03.12
MUJ168_0005 government securities 28.08.12
MUJ180_0007 government securities 28.10.10
MUJ180_0008 government securities 13.12.13
MUJ192_0001 government securities 30.03.09
MUJ192_0002 government securities 29.10.09
MUJ192_0003 government securities 28.05.10
MUJ192_0004 government securities 24.02.14
MUJ204_0001 government securities 28.05.09
MUJ204_0002 government securities 30.07.09
MUJ204_0003 government securities 29.04.10
MUJ204_0004 government securities 29.07.10
MUJ204_0005 government securities 28.02.12
MUJ204_0006 government securities 28.06.12
MUJ216_0001 government securities 29.06.09
MUJ216_0002 government securities 26.11.09
MUJ216_0003 government securities 25.02.10
MUJ216_0004 government securities 27.08.11
MUJ216_0005 government securities 30.05.12
MUJ228_0001 government securities 27.08.09
MUJ228_0002 government securities 30.12.09
MUJ228_0003 government securities 29.06.10
MUJ228_0004 government securities 28.01.11
MUJ228_0005 government securities 29.09.11
MUJ228_0006 government securities 27.09.12
MUJ240_0001 government securities 29.12.11
Symbol ISIN Sector Trades
MTM036_0001 government securities 08.08.22
MTM048_0001 government securities 12.09.22
MTM060_0001 government securities 17.10.22
MTM072_0001 government securities 21.11.22
MTM084_0001 government securities 06.03.23
MTM096_0001 government securities 16.01.23
Symbol ISIN Sector Trades
MOM024_0087 government securities 16.01.23
MOM024_0088 government securities 02.05.23
MOM036_0091 government securities 14.02.22
MOM036_0092 government securities 27.06.22
MOM048_0052 government securities 24.01.22
MOM048_0053 government securities 27.06.22
MOM048_0054 government securities 19.09.22
MOM060_0052 government securities 05.08.21
MOM060_0054 government securities 21.11.22
Symbol ISIN Sector Trades
MKM009_0019 government securities 01.02.24
MKM012_0156 government securities 12.01.24
MKM012_0157 government securities 19.04.24
MKM012_0158 government securities 05.07.24
Trading code:
List of securities:
official, mix board, category "government securities"
System of quotation:
clean price
Unit of quotation:
nominal value percentage fraction
Quotation currency:
Quotation accuracy:
4 characters
Number of securities in one lot:
Trade lists admission date:
Trade opening date:
Currency of issue and service:
Nominal value in issue's currency:
Number of registered bonds:
1 606 982 728
Issue volume, :
160 698 272 800
Number of bonds outstanding:
1 606 982 728
Settlement basis (days in month / days in year:
Date of circulation start:
Circulation term, days:
Maturity date:
Order of prescheduled maturity:
the order of repayment is set forth by Rules of Issue, Placement, Servicing and Repayment of government treasury obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan
АО "Центральный депозитарий ценных бумаг" (Алматы)
Highlighted news contain information on the company ratings
10.09.24 15:15 On September 10, repeated special trading session for offering of MEOKAM KZK200000679 (MOM060_0052) with settlement on September 12 was held on KASE
10.09.24 15:05 On September 10, repeated special trading session for offering of MEUKAM KZKD00000543 (MUM192_0002) with settlement on September 12 was held on KASE
10.09.24 14:57 On September 10, repeated special trading session for offering of MEUKAM KZKD00001251 (MUM072_0015) with settlement on September 12 was held on KASE
10.09.24 08:52 Repeated special trading session for offering of MEOKAM KZK200000679 (MOM060_0052) with settlement on September 12 and current maturity of 1.9 years is held on KASE today
10.09.24 08:48 Repeated special trading session for offering of MEUKAM KZKD00000543 (MUM192_0002) with settlement on September 12 and current maturity of 3.6 years is held on KASE today
10.09.24 08:45 Repeated special trading session for offering of MEUKAM KZKD00001251 (MUM072_0015) with settlement on September 12 and current maturity of 5.5 years is held on KASE today
09.09.24 10:15 /REPEAT/ Repeated special trading session for offering of MEOKAM KZK200000679 (MOM060_0052) with settlement on September 12 and current maturity of 1.9 years will be held on KASE on September 10
09.09.24 10:07 /REPEAT/ Repeated special trading session for offering of MEUKAM KZKD00000543 (MUM192_0002) with settlement on September 12 and current maturity of 3.6 years will be held on KASE on September 10
09.09.24 10:01 /REPEAT/ Repeated special trading session for offering of MEUKAM KZKD00001251 (MUM072_0015) with settlement on September 12 and current maturity of 5.5 years will be held on KASE on September 10
05.09.24 17:43 Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan raised KZT32.1 bn by placing on KASE on September 3 MEKKAM KZK100000357 (MKM012_0158) at weighted average yield to maturity of 13.16 % per annum
All issuer news