15 March 2025, 16:34
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About the Exchange
Kazakhstan Stock Exchange JSC
the only multifunctional exchange platform in the Republic of Kazakhstan for trading stocks, bonds, derivative financial instruments, foreign currency as well as money market instruments

Stock Market

The Exchange conducts trading in shares, corporate bonds, government securities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and government securities of foreign countries, bonds of international financial organizations, sovereign and corporate Eurobonds, depositary receipts, securities of investment funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs).

Settlements for liquid securities are made  using the T+2 technology  (on the second day after conclusion of the transaction), for illiquid securities using the T+0 technology (on the day of the transaction)

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Derivatives Market

The derivatives market features:

  • KASE Index futures
  • USD/KZT_TOM futures
  • futures for the most liquid shares

Foreign exchange market

The following currency pairs are traded on the currency market:


Money Market

The Exchange provides the opportunity to carry out the following operations:

  • autorepo with a GS basket, with a BISP basket, with CS, with general collateral certificates
  • nego repo with GS, CS, general collateral certificates
  • with currency swaps SWAP_1D and SWAP_2D
Valid licenses
A license No. 4.2.3/1 to carry out activities on the securities market dated July 19, 2012 issued by the Committee for Control and Surveillance of the Financial Market and Financial Organizations of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The license gives the right to carry out the following types of activities on the securities market:
Activities related to organizing trading in securities and other financial instruments
Clearing activities for transactions with financial instruments on securities market
A license No. 4.3.8 to conduct banking operations in the national and foreign currency dated January 30, 2020 issued by the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The license gives the right to carry out the following banking operations:
Opening and maintaining correspondent accounts of banks and organizations carrying out certain types of banking operations
Transfer operations: execution of orders of individuals and legal entities for payments and money transfers
Opening and maintaining bank accounts for legal entities
Exchange transactions with foreign currency, with the exception of organizing exchange transactions with cash foreign currency