Trade Information


These securities have been delisted from trading lists 06.12.19
coupon облигации KZ2C00004513
JSC "Baspana" Mortgage organization"
Last coupon rate, % APR : 8,500
Days to maturity: bond circulation expired
Circulation period: 06.12.18 – 06.12.19
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Bonds m. KZT th. USD
12.03.25 0 0,0 0,0
11.03.25 0 0,0 0,0
From 07.12.18 99,3259 99,0134 99,3759 98,7353 8 1 514 000 1 524,5 4 059,2
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Bonds m. KZT th. USD
12.03.25 0 0,0 0,0
11.03.25 0 0,0 0,0
From 07.12.18 1 051,8146 1 006,9452 1 051,8146 988,2974 8 1 514 000 1 524,5 4 059,2
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Bonds m. KZT th. USD
12.03.25 0 0,0 0,0
11.03.25 0 0,0 0,0
From 07.12.18 10,50 0,25 10,50 9,45 8 1 514 000 1 524,5 4 059,2

Last 10 deals with BASPb2
(except for special trading sessions)

Currently securities of the JSC "Baspana" Mortgage organization" are not listed on the KASE
Trading code:
System of quotation:
clean price
Unit of quotation:
nominal value percentage fraction
Quotation currency:
Quotation accuracy:
4 characters
Trade lists admission date:
Trade opening date:
no trade
Market Makers:
Bond's name:
coupon облигации
Current coupon rate, % APR:
Currency of issue and service:
Nominal value in issue's currency:
1 000,00
Number of registered bonds:
30 000 000
Issue volume, KZT:
30 000 000 000
Number of bonds outstanding:
30 000 000
Issue registration date:
Coupon rate type:
Settlement basis (days in month / days in year:
Date of circulation start:
Circulation term, days:
Date of the previous coupon payment:
Coupon payment schedule:
Register fixation date at maturity:
Principal repayment period:
Highlighted news contain information on the company ratings
06.04.20 10:47 Bonds KZ2C00005833 (BASPb3) of Mortgage Organization Baspana removed from KASE Official List due to maturity expiry
21.02.20 16:31 Kazakhstan Sustainability Fund says Fitch Ratings assigned long-term ratings to the company at "BBB", outlook "Stable"
17.02.20 17:56 Revised prospectus of second issue of bonds KZ2C00006484 (KZ2C00006484, BASPb8) of Baspana Mortgage Organization within the second bond programme released
17.02.20 17:39 Revised prospectus of first issue of bonds KZ2C00006476 (KZ2C00006476, BASPb7) of Baspana Mortgage Organization within the second bond programme released
17.02.20 17:37 Revised prospectus of third issue of bonds KZ2C00006336 (KZ2C00006336, BASPb6) of Baspana Mortgage Organization within the first bond programme released
17.02.20 17:35 Revised prospectus of second issue of bonds KZ2C00006328 (KZ2C00006328, BASPb5) of Baspana Mortgage Organization within the first bond programme released
17.02.20 17:31 Revised prospectus of first issue of bonds KZ2C00006211 (KZ2C00006211, BASPb4) of Baspana Mortgage Organization within the first bond programme released
17.02.20 17:28 Revised prospectus of third issue of bonds KZ2C00005833 (KZ2C00005833, BASPb3) of Baspana Mortgage Organization released
14.02.20 11:52 Issuer of six issues of Baspana Mortgage Organization’s bonds changed in KASE trading systems and databases as of February 14
14.02.20 11:02 Baspana Mortgage Organization decides announces voluntary restructuring by its consolidation with the Kazakhstan Sustainability Fund
All issuer news