Trade Information
Telephone: + 7 707 777 6230 +7 707 511 3900
Republic of Kazakhstan, 050026, Almaty, Almaly district, Bajzakov str., 125, 2
Primary activity:
provision of microcredits
Symbol ISIN Board Sector Category Trades Index
MFCIb1 KZ2P00008378 alternative debt securities облигации 13.07.22
IndicatorAs of 01.01.24(audited)As of 01.10.23
Authorized capital 200 000,00 тыс. KZT 150 000,00 тыс. KZT
Equity capital 604 358,00 тыс. KZT 556 151,00 тыс. KZT
Total assets 1 297 575,00 тыс. KZT 914 998,00 тыс. KZT
Total liabilities 693 217,00 тыс. KZT 358 847,00 тыс. KZT
Net income 141 116,00 тыс. KZT 142 909,00 тыс. KZT
ROA 10,88% 15,62%
ROE 23,35% 25,70%