15 March 2025, 19:53
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Investments in knowledge yield the best dividends

Benjamin Franklin
Before you make an investment decision, you need to study the current state of the markets and companies in which you plan to invest your money
How stock market operates
Professional participants of the securities market
Securities market regulator
Top 5 questions
Go to the Frequently Asked Questions page
Department for Working with Issuers and Investors
For inquiries about education and training, please contact:
+7 (727) 237 53 20
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Taxation of investor incomein relation to residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Sale of securities
Coupon interest on debt securities
Dividends on equity securities

Income of investors from sale of security is exempt from taxation in the following conditions:

Shares and ETF unitsdebt securities

Exempt from taxation provided that the transaction is made on KASE by the open trade method

Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Units of UIFsequity securities
For individuals :

Exempt from taxation when transactions are made both on KASE and over-the-counter securities market

Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Corporate bondsdebt securities

Exempt from taxation provided that the transaction is made on KASE by the open trade method

Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Government bondsdebt securities

It is exempt from taxation regardless of the place of transaction (when transactions are made both on KASE and over-the-counter securities market)

Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Information about securities for taxation purposes
Useful materials
Lesson 1. The securities market and the stock exchange
Lesson 2. How to become an investor and find a broker
Lesson 3. What are stocks and bonds
Lesson 4. What is a mutual investment fund
Lesson 5. What is an ETF
Lesson 6. How the investor's assets are protected

Actual information

FOR INVESTORS List of tools
FOR MEMBERS Members of the Exchange
INFORMATION Trading results
INFORMATION Auction Viewing
FOR MEMBERS Trading and Clearing Shedule