Trade Information


These securities have been delisted from trading lists 05.03.25
discount notes KZW100014254 (KZW100014254)
SI National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Days to maturity: bond circulation expired
Circulation period: 05.02.25 – 05.03.25
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Bonds m. KZT th. USD
12.03.25 0 0,0 0,0
11.03.25 0 0,0 0,0
From 05.02.25 98,9674 98,9785 98,9882 98,9674 19 311 197 068 30 801,8 59 203,5
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Bonds m. KZT th. USD
12.03.25 0 0,0 0,0
11.03.25 0 0,0 0,0
From 05.02.25 98,9674 98,9785 98,9882 98,9674 19 311 197 068 30 801,8 59 203,5
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Bonds m. KZT th. USD
12.03.25 0 0,0 0,0
11.03.25 0 0,0 0,0
From 05.02.25 14,65 14,49 14,35 14,65 19 311 197 068 30 801,8 59 203,5

Last 10 deals with NTK028_2859
(except for special trading sessions)

Deal date Deal time Value trend, % Объём бумаг Volume, mln KZT Volume, USD th
05.02.25 16:16:25 98,9674 -61,49 203 578 20,1 38,7
05.02.25 16:16:25 98,9674 -61,49 1 099 917 108,9 209,2
05.02.25 16:16:25 98,9674 -61,49 10 263 985 1 015,8 1 952,4
05.02.25 12:41:52 98,9686 +1 160,75 1 525 960 151,0 290,3
05.02.25 12:41:52 98,9686 +1 160,75 1 794 874 177,6 341,4
05.02.25 12:41:52 98,9686 +1 160,75 2 859 715 283,0 544,0
05.02.25 12:41:52 98,9686 +1 160,75 1 620 772 160,4 308,3
05.02.25 12:41:52 98,9686 +1 160,75 9 714 617 961,4 1 848,0
05.02.25 12:41:52 98,9686 +1 160,75 11 719 537 1 159,9 2 229,4
05.02.25 12:41:52 98,9686 +1 160,75 14 962 051 1 480,8 2 846,2
Deal date Deal time Value trend, % Объём бумаг Volume, mln KZT Volume, USD th
05.02.25 16:16:25 98,9674 -61,49 203 578 20,1 38,7
05.02.25 16:16:25 98,9674 -61,49 1 099 917 108,9 209,2
05.02.25 16:16:25 98,9674 -61,49 10 263 985 1 015,8 1 952,4
05.02.25 12:41:52 98,9686 +1 160,75 1 525 960 151,0 290,3
05.02.25 12:41:52 98,9686 +1 160,75 1 794 874 177,6 341,4
05.02.25 12:41:52 98,9686 +1 160,75 2 859 715 283,0 544,0
05.02.25 12:41:52 98,9686 +1 160,75 1 620 772 160,4 308,3
05.02.25 12:41:52 98,9686 +1 160,75 9 714 617 961,4 1 848,0
05.02.25 12:41:52 98,9686 +1 160,75 11 719 537 1 159,9 2 229,4
05.02.25 12:41:52 98,9686 +1 160,75 14 962 051 1 480,8 2 846,2
Deal date Deal time Value, % APR trend, b.p. Объём бумаг Volume, mln KZT Volume, USD th
05.02.25 16:16:25 14,65 +1 465 203 578 20,1 38,7
05.02.25 16:16:25 14,65 +1 465 1 099 917 108,9 209,2
05.02.25 16:16:25 14,65 +1 465 10 263 985 1 015,8 1 952,4
05.02.25 12:41:52 14,63 +1 463 1 525 960 151,0 290,3
05.02.25 12:41:52 14,63 +1 463 1 794 874 177,6 341,4
05.02.25 12:41:52 14,63 +1 463 2 859 715 283,0 544,0
05.02.25 12:41:52 14,63 +1 463 1 620 772 160,4 308,3
05.02.25 12:41:52 14,63 +1 463 9 714 617 961,4 1 848,0
05.02.25 12:41:52 14,63 +1 463 11 719 537 1 159,9 2 229,4
05.02.25 12:41:52 14,63 +1 463 14 962 051 1 480,8 2 846,2

Other securities SI National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Symbol ISIN Sector Trades
NTK028_2860 government securities 05.03.25
Trading code:
List of securities:
official, mix board, category "government securities"
System of quotation:
clean price
Unit of quotation:
nominal value percentage fraction
Quotation currency:
Quotation accuracy:
4 characters
Number of securities in one lot:
Trade lists admission date:
Trade opening date:
no trade
Trade lists exclusion date:
Market Makers:
Bond's name:
discount notes
Currency of issue and service:
Nominal value in issue's currency:
Number of registered bonds:
5 056 524 174
Issue volume, KZT:
505 652 417 400
Number of bonds outstanding:
5 056 524 174
Settlement basis (days in month / days in year:
Date of circulation start:
Circulation term, days:
Register fixation date at maturity:
Maturity date:
Paying agent:
Central securities depository JSC (Almaty)
АО "Центральный депозитарий ценных бумаг" (Алматы)