Trade Information

The issuer defaulted on coupon bonds KSM2b1 .

Telephone: (727) 298 39 14
Fax: (727) 298 37 20
1, Zhangozin str., Kaskelen, Almaty region, Republic of Kazakhstan, 040905
Primary activity:
production and sale of construction materials and formations; construction-assembly works, including excavation; construction and repair works in capital construction, reconstruction, capital repairs of buildings and formations
Chief executive officer:
Nasyr Shegenov General Director
Currently securities of the KSMK–2 LLP are not listed on the KASE
Highlighted news contain information on the company ratings
25.05.10 14:05 Combine for contruction materials and structures-2 LLP (Kazakhstan) pays part of debt on 2nd coupon on bonds KZ2P0Y03C772 (KSM2b1)
01.02.10 18:02 KASE excluded from the KASE_B* representative list bonds of two issues due to their delisting
29.01.10 20:01 Bonds KZ2P0Y03C772 (KSM2b1) of KSMK-2 (Kazakhstan) de-listed from KASE beginning February 1
19.01.10 18:01 From January 19 KASE prohibits using Combine for construction materials and structures-2 (Kazakhstan) bonds KZ2P0Y03C772 (KSM2b1) as repo transactions subjects
19.01.10 17:01 Combine for construction materials and structures-2 (Kazakhstan) delays the 2nd coupon payment on bonds KZ2P0Y03C772 (KSM2b1)
15.01.10 12:01 Kazakhstan corporate debt market schedule from January 18 to January 24, 2010
13.11.09 13:11 KASE published 2009 quarter III report and financial statements of Combine for construction materials and structures-2 (Kazakhstan)
02.10.09 11:10 From October 2, 2009, bonds KZ2P0Y03C772 (KSM2b1) of Combine for construction materials and structures-2 (Kazakhstan) are transferred from KASE official list Non-rated Debt Securities second subcategory to the "buffer category"
29.09.09 15:09 Company CAIFC refused the market-maker status on KASE on bonds KZ2P0Y03C772 (KSM2b1) of Combine for construction materials and structures-2 (Kazakhstan)
16.06.09 15:06 KASE published Combine for construction materials and structures-2 (Kazakhstan) corrected 2009 quarter I financial statements
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