Trade Information
Telephone: +7 (7212) 50 31 17
Fax: +7 (7212) 41 17 10
Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda region, Karaganda city, Kazybek bi area,Alikhanov st.,13, 100008
Primary activity:
in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Symbol ISIN Board Sector Category Trades Index
KGK024_154 KZMJ00001543 mix government securities 30.06.23
KGK024_190 KZMJ00001907 mix government securities 22.07.24
KGK116_102 KZMF00001026 mix government securities 16.07.24
KGK117_087 KZMF00000879 mix government securities 27.12.21
KGK119_004 KZMF00000044 mix government securities 26.06.20
KGK119_080 KZMF00000804 mix government securities 28.10.21
KGK131_030 KZMF00000309 mix government securities 17.08.20
KGK143_053 KZMF00000531 mix government securities 23.10.20
KGK143_054 KZMF00000549 mix government securities 23.10.20