Trade Information


coupon bonds KZ2P00009772 (KZ2P00009772)
LLP "Microfinance Organization "KMF""
Last coupon rate, % APR : 20,000
Days to maturity: 4
Circulation period: 21.06.23 – 21.06.24
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Bonds m. KZT th. USD
17.06.24 99,9794 100,0017 0 0,0 0,0
14.06.24 99,9642 100,0033 0 0,0 0,0
From 29.06.23 99,9592 100,2135 100,8020 99,2980 66 2 572 237 2 723,3 6 031,4
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Bonds m. KZT th. USD
17.06.24 1 197,5718 1 197,7948 0 0,0 0,0
14.06.24 1 195,7531 1 196,1441 0 0,0 0,0
From 29.06.23 1 195,1476 1 058,7381 1 195,5556 1 004,0594 66 2 572 237 2 723,3 6 031,4
Date/Period Bid Offer Last W-aver High Low Trade Bonds m. KZT th. USD
17.06.24 20,00 18,00 0 0,0 0,0
14.06.24 20,00 18,00 0 0,0 0,0
From 29.06.23 20,00 18,98 20,00 17,50 66 2 572 237 2 723,3 6 031,4

Last 10 deals with MFKMb3
(except for special trading sessions)

Deal date Deal time Value trend, % Объём бумаг Volume, mln KZT Volume, USD th
13.06.24 12:43:16 99,9592 -0,04 9 0,011 0,024
13.06.24 12:42:31 100,0000 -0,01 1 0,001 0,003
31.05.24 12:31:32 100,0136 0 2 0,002 0,005
31.05.24 11:45:03 100,0136 +0,12 2 0,002 0,005
30.05.24 13:46:00 99,8972 -0,10 790 0,938 2,1
29.05.24 14:16:51 100,0000 0 9 0,011 0,024
29.05.24 13:20:00 100,0000 -0,02 1 0,001 0,003
28.05.24 11:30:05 100,0155 +0,02 175 0,208 0,469
22.05.24 13:24:13 100,0000 -0,02 47 0,056 0,126
21.05.24 14:19:11 100,0229 -0,03 47 0,056 0,125
Deal date Deal time Value trend, % Объём бумаг Volume, mln KZT Volume, USD th
13.06.24 12:43:16 1 195,1478 -0,04 9 0,011 0,024
13.06.24 12:42:31 1 195,5600 -0,01 1 0,001 0,003
31.05.24 12:31:32 1 188,4700 0 2 0,002 0,005
31.05.24 11:45:03 1 188,4700 +0,12 2 0,002 0,005
30.05.24 13:46:00 1 187,3053 -0,10 790 0,938 2,1
29.05.24 14:16:51 1 187,7778 0 9 0,011 0,024
29.05.24 13:20:00 1 187,7800 -0,02 1 0,001 0,003
28.05.24 11:30:05 1 187,3773 +0,02 175 0,208 0,469
22.05.24 13:24:13 1 183,8889 -0,02 47 0,056 0,126
21.05.24 14:19:11 1 183,5623 -0,03 47 0,056 0,125
Deal date Deal time Value, % APR trend, b.p. Объём бумаг Volume, mln KZT Volume, USD th
13.06.24 12:43:16 20,00 +183 9 0,011 0,024
13.06.24 12:42:31 18,17 +17 1 0,001 0,003
31.05.24 12:31:32 18,00 0 2 0,002 0,005
31.05.24 11:45:03 18,00 -200 2 0,002 0,005
30.05.24 13:46:00 20,00 +176 790 0,938 2,1
29.05.24 14:16:51 18,24 0 9 0,011 0,024
29.05.24 13:20:00 18,24 +24 1 0,001 0,003
28.05.24 11:30:05 18,00 -27 175 0,208 0,469
22.05.24 13:24:13 18,27 +27 47 0,056 0,126
21.05.24 14:19:11 18,00 0 47 0,056 0,125

Other securities LLP "Microfinance Organization "KMF""

Symbol ISIN Board Sector Category Trades Index
MFKMb3 KZ2P00009772 main debt securities commercial bonds 29.06.23 KASE_BM*
MFKMb4 KZ2P00011299 main debt securities commercial bonds 24.05.24
MFKMb5 KZ2P00011257 main debt securities commercial bonds
Trading code:
List of securities:
official, main board, category "commercial bonds"
System of quotation:
clean price
Unit of quotation:
nominal value percentage fraction
Quotation currency:
Quotation accuracy:
4 characters
Number of securities in one lot:
Trade lists admission date:
Trade opening date:
Bond's name:
coupon bonds
Current coupon rate, % APR:
Currency of issue and service:
Nominal value in issue's currency:
1 000,00
Number of registered bonds:
10 000 000
Issue volume, KZT:
10 000 000 000
Number of bonds outstanding:
10 000 000
Coupon rate type:
Settlement basis (days in month / days in year:
Date of circulation start:
Circulation term, days:
Number of days till nearest coupon payment:
Registry fixation date of the nearest coupon payment:
Period of the next coupon payment:
21.06.24 – 05.07.24
Coupon payment schedule:
Register fixation date at maturity:
Principal repayment period:
АО "Центральный депозитарий ценных бумаг" (Алматы)
Admission initiator:
LLP "Microfinance Organization "KMF""
Highlighted news contain information on the company ratings
23.05.24 14:36 Trading in bonds KZ2P00011299 (MFKMb4) of Microfinance Organization "KMF" opens on KASE as of May 24
22.05.24 14:48 As of May 22 bonds KZ2P00011257 (MFKMb5) of Microfinance Organization "KMF" included in "commercial bonds" category of KASE official list's main market
22.05.24 12:27 Microfinance Organization "KMF" announces redemption of bonds KZ2P00008550 (MFKMb2)
21.05.24 18:00 Microfinance Organization "KMF" on May 21 raised KZT17.8 bn on KASE by placing bonds KZ2P00011299 (MFKMb4) at 17.75 % APR
21.05.24 12:00 Order collection at special trading session for offering of 17.0 mln bonds KZ2P00011299 (MFKMb4) of Microfinance Organization "KMF" on May 21 extended until 14:00 AST
21.05.24 10:31 Bonds KZ2P00011257 (MFKMb5) of Microfinance Organization "KMF" passed listing procedure on KASE in "commercial bonds" category of main market
21.05.24 08:55 Special trading session for offering of 17.0 mln bonds KZ2P00011299 (MFKMb4) of Microfinance Organization "KMF" is held on KASE today
17.05.24 11:26 Special trading session for offering of 17.0 mln bonds KZ2P00011299 (MFKMb4) of Microfinance Organization "KMF" will be held on KASE on May 21
16.05.24 09:30 Bonds KZ2P00008550 (MFKMb2) of Microfinance Organization "KMF" removed from KASE official list due to reaching maturity
15.05.24 10:45 As of May 15, KASE excluded bonds KZ2P00008550 (MFKMb2) of Microfinance Organization "KMF" from representative list of indicators of KASE_BM* series due to maturity
All issuer news