Moody's агенттігі "Казкоммерцбанк" АҚ (Қазақстан) рейтингілік бағалаулары төмендетті
19.09.12 15:51
/Moody's Investors Service, Лондон, 18.09.12, KASE аудармасы мен
тақырыптамасы/ – Бүгін Moody's рейтингілік агенттігі Казкоммерцбанктің
несиеге қабілеттілігіне негативті ықпалдардың күрт өсуінің салдары ретінде,
банктің келесідей рейтингтерін төмендетті:
- жергілікті және шетел валюталарындағы депозиттік рейтингі Ba3-тен B2-
ге дейін;
- шетел валютасындағы қамтамасыз етілмеген артықшылықты қарызының
рейтингі – B2-ден Caa1-ге дейін;
- шетел валютасындағы субординацияланған қарызының рейтингі – B3-
тен Caa2-ге дейін;
- шетел валютасындағы кіші субординацияланған қарызының рейтингі –
Caa1-ден (HYB) Caa3-ке (HYB) дейін.
Сонымен қатар, Moody's агенттігі банктің қаржылық мықтылықтың рейтингін
(BFSR) E+/b2-ден, ұзақ мерзімді шкала бойынша Caa1-мен сәйкес келетін,
Е-ге дейін төмендетті. KKB қарыздық және депозиттік рейтингтеріні
болжамы негативті, BFSR бойынша болжамы – "тұрақты".
Төменде Moody's хабарламасының ағылшын тіліндегі хабарламасының
түпнұсқалы мәтіні берілген.
London, 18 September 2012 – Moody's Investors Service has today downgraded
Kazkommertsbank's (KKB) following ratings, due to the sharp increase in
negative pressures on KKB's credit profile:
- local and foreign-currency deposit ratings to B2 from Ba3;
- foreign-currency senior unsecured debt rating to Caa1 from B2;
- foreign-currency subordinated debt rating to Caa2 from B3; and
- foreign-currency junior subordinated debt rating to Caa3 (hyb) from Caa1
At the same time, Moody's downgraded KKB's standalone bank financial strength
rating (BFSR) to E, mapping to caa1 on the long-term scale, from E+/b2. KKB's
debt and deposit ratings carry a negative outlook, the outlook on the BFSR is
Moody's downgrade of KKB's ratings reflects the sharp increase in negative
pressures on KKB's credit profile, driven by (1) its weakening liquidity
position over the past year, with liquid assets declining to about 10% of its
total assets as of end-H1 2012 from 20% as of end-H1 2011, according to the
bank's unaudited regulatory reports; (2) ongoing deterioration of asset
quality, as problem loans exceeded 45% of the bank's gross loans as of end-H1
2012 from about 40% at year-end 2011, based on Moody's estimates; whereas loan
loss reserves of 24.9% at end-H1 2012, according to the IFRS report, are
unlikely be insufficient to cover all expected credit losses; and (3) eroding
profitability as the bank would barely break-even in H1 2012 if a dividend
income of KZT8.2 (about $55 million) representing a one-off event were to be
excluded from its earnings. KKB's profitability is likely to remain depressed
in the medium-term given the declining earnings (due to stagnant loan growth)
and significant levels of loan-loss provisions that are still needed to be
recognized. Although the bank's total capital adequacy ratio of 22.3% at
year-end 2011, according to its IFRS financial statements, is significantly
above the required minimum of 10%, KKB's capitalization ratio is likely to
weaken materially in the near-to-medium term once the bank accounts the full
extent of its asset quality problems at a time of diminished earnings.
KKB's ratings also reflect its status of the country's largest bank. Therefore,
Moody's incorporates moderate systemic support probability in the bank's B2
deposit ratings, which provides two notches of uplift from KKB's caa1 standalone
rating. However, Moody's does not assume any systemic support in KKB's debt
ratings, which reflects the Kazakh government's track record of not providing
support to debt holders of systemically important banks in rescue programmes.
KKB's BFSR has limited upside potential in the medium term, reflected in the
negative outlook. However, a change in the outlook to stable could be prompted
by stabilisation in the bank's asset quality, liquidity and profitability.
KKB's rating may be downgraded if its liquidity position, asset quality trends
and capitalisation level deteriorate beyond what is currently anticipated and
thus raise concerns about the sustainability of its franchise without external
The principal methodology used in this rating was Moody's Consolidated Global
Bank Rating Methodology published in June 2012. Please see the Credit Policy
page on for a copy of this methodology.
Headquartered in Almaty, Kazakhstan, KKB reported total assets and net income
of USD17 billion and USD87.7 million, respectively, as at end-H1 2012 according
to the bank's IFRS financial statements.