Trade Information

Stock market

Indicator name Indicator Description Settlement Date Last value Change Change, % Deals volume, KZT mln
KASE Index Index of the most liquid shares of companies-residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan 26.07.24 5 256,06 +27,27 +0,52 543,6
KZGB_CPm1m GS price index with a maturity of 31 days or more, tenge 26.07.24 964,24 +1,92 +0,20 7,1
KZGB_DPm1m Index of aggregate income of GS with a maturity of 31 days or more, tenge 26.07.24 1 041,71 +2,28 +0,22 7,1
MBM index Сomposite index of the money market and the government securities market of the Republic of Kazakhstan 26.07.24 1 009,90 +1,76 +0,17
KZGB_CP Index GS price index without segmentation by maturity, tenge 26.07.24 993,67 +1,99 +0,20
KZGB_DP Index Index of aggregate income of GS without segmentation by maturity, tenge 26.07.24 1 071,71 +2,38 +0,22
KZGB_Y Index Profitability indicator of GS without segmentation by maturity, % 26.07.24 13,04 -0,03 -0,23
KZGB_CPs Index GS price index with a maturity of up to 1 year, tenge 26.07.24 1 147,07 +1,42 +0,12 7,1
KZGB_CPm Index GS price index with a maturity from 1 to 5 years, tenge 26.07.24 973,71 +2,64 +0,27 42 077,3
KZGB_CPl Index GS price index with a maturity of 5 years or more, tenge 26.07.24 885,41 -0,82 -0,09 36 870,9
KZGB_DPs Index Index of aggregate income of GS with a maturity of up to 1 year, tenge 26.07.24 1 243,65 +1,85 +0,15 7,1
KZGB_DPm Index Index of aggregate income of GS with a maturity from 1 to 5 years, tenge 26.07.24 1 164,73 +3,39 +0,29 42 077,3
KZGB_DPl Index Index of aggregate income of GS with a maturity of 5 years or more, tenge 26.07.24 1 055,37 -0,61 -0,06 36 870,9
KZGB_Ys Index Profitability indicator of GS with a maturity of up to 1 year, % 26.07.24 13,19 +0,02 +0,15
KZGB_Ym Index Profitability indicator of GS with a maturity from 1 to 5 years, % 26.07.24 12,89 -0,13 -1,00
KZGB_Yl Index Profitability indicator of GS with a maturity of 5 years or more, % 26.07.24 12,84 +0,04 +0,31
KASE_BMC Index Index of "clean prices" of corporate bonds of the main market, % 26.07.24 100,8725 +0,3090 +0,3073 246,7
KASE_BMY Index indicator of yield of corporate bonds of the main market, % 26.07.24 13,81 -0,13 -0,93