Halyk savings bank of Kazakhstan JSC about offering of its KZ1P33870216 issue preferred shares, convertible into common
29.12.05 16:16
/KASE, December 29, 05/ - Halyk savings bank of Kazakhstan JSC (Almaty)
today spread press-release saying:
quotation start
Hereby, Halyk savings bank of Kazakhstan (the Bank) notifies its
shareholders about the end of the period for realization of the priority right
to purchase shares of the new issue, registered by Kazakhstan Agency for
financial market and financial organizations regulation and supervision on
November "18" of 2005 under # А3387 number, and in compliance with the
article 18 of Kazakhstan law "About joint-stock companies" about the
beginning of the Bank's shares offering by means of holding specialized
trades on Kazakhstan stock exchange Inc. and in accordance with inclusion
of changes and additions dated July 8, 2005 in Kazakhstan law dated May
13 of 2003 # 415-II "About joint-stock companies" since January 1 of 2006 -
by means of subscription among unlimited number of investors.
1. Full name and location of the issuer:
97, Rozybakiyev str., Halyk savings bank of Kazakhstan joint-stock
company, 050046, Almaty.
2. Date of securities issue registration date, their type and number, subjected
to offering:
State registration date of the issue is November "18" of 2005 under # А3387
The issue has been divided into 899,016,660 (eight hundred ninety nine
million sixteen thousand six hundred and sixty) common shares, which have
been assigned NIN KZ1C33870011, 24,742,000 (twenty four million seven
hundred and two thousand) preferred shares, which have been assigned
NIN KZ1Р33870117 and 80,225,222 (eighty million two hundred and twenty
five thousand and two hundred and twenty two) preferred shares, convertible
into common shares, which have been assigned NIN KZ1Р33870216.
Type and number of securities, subjected to offering: 29,147,225 (twenty
nine million one hundred and forty seven thousand and two hundred and
twenty five) preferred shares, convertible into common shares of the Bank.
3. Information about branches and officials of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan
JSC, through which one can see specification of share issue or other
information about them:
- 97, Rozybakiyev str., Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC, 050046,
Almaty, Kazakhstan, Aigul Altynbekova, Chief of Equity capital office
of Investment banking department. Tel.: 8 (3272) 590 260, 590 599.
E-mail: AigulA@halykbank.kz.
- 67, Aiteke bi str., Kazakhstan stock exchange Inc., 050000, Almaty,
- Halyk Finance JSC executes market-maker's functions on the
mentioned securities, its address: 97, Rozybakiyev str., Almaty, tel.:
590 593 (state license of Kazakhstan Agency for financial market
and financial organizations regulation and supervision for dealing
with broker and dealer activity on the securities market with the right
to maintain clients accounts as a nominal holder # 0401200928
dated December 27, 2004)
- Information about registrar:
Fondovyi center JSC acts on the basis of the license #0406200253 for the
right to deal with activity concerned with securities holders register
maintenance dated May 16 of 2003, given by the National Bank of
Address: 92, Maulenov str., Almaty, tel.: (3272) 676 344, 676 345.
4. Information about the price of shares offering and their payment:
- Shares price is determined on deal execution day.
- Payment at shares purchasing is made in tenge:
- in cashless form;
- physical persons can pay for shares in cashless form.
If you have any questions apply: 590 260, 590 599 (Investment banking
department of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC).
Quotation end