RBNT SECURITIES CJSC resigned market-maker's status on shares of Tsesnabank JSC (Kazakhstan)
06.09.05 17:10
/KASE, September 6, 05/ - By the decision of Kazakhstan stock exchange's
(KASE) Board since September 20 of 2005 RBNT SECURITIES CJSC
(Almaty) is deprived of the status of market-maker on the following securities
of Tsesnabank JSC (Astana), included in KASE's official "A" listing category:
- common shares KZ1C33820016 (TSBN);
- privileged shares KZ1P33820914 (TSBNp).
The reason of the taken decision was statement of RBNT SECURITIES
CJSC about voluntary resigning market-maker's status on the mentioned