Finance Ministry of Kazakhstan will not float at KASE on August 31 MEOKAM-48

31.08.05 11:08
/KASE, August 31, 05/ - Finance Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan by the official letter informed Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) that planned for August 31, 2005 floatation of MEOKAM-48 will not be held. The letter does not give reasons for refusal from floatation. As it was informed earlier, Finance Ministry of Kazakhstan planned in the third quarter 2005 to float at stock exchange three issues of its GS: - MEUZHKAM-180 for the amount KZT23.4 bn. with date of issue July 28; - MEOKAM-48 for the amount KZT12.5 bn. with date of issue August 31; - MEUKAM-84 for the amount KZT15.0 bn. with date of issue September 29. On July 27 Finance Ministry by the official letter informed KASE that planned for July 28, 2005 specialized trades on floatation of MEUZHKAM-180 of the second issue are postponed. "Date of trades holding will be informed additionally", - the letter said, but till the present time trades have not been held. [2005-08-31]