Ministry of finance of Kazakhstan will not float on KASE MEOKAM-48 on August 31

27.08.05 17:01
/IRBIS, Andrey Tsalyuk, August 27, 05/ - Ministry of finance of Kazakhstan will not hold on Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE) the planned for August 31 floatation of MEOKAM-48. A source from the Ministry of finance informed KASE. No official notification about it has been sent to KASE yet. It was said before, Ministry of finance of Kazakhstan planned to offer in the third quarter of 2005 its three GS issues on the exchange: - MEUJKAM-180 for a total of KZT23.4 bn., issue date - July 28; - MEOKAM-48 for a total of KZT12.5 bn., issue date - August 31; - MEUKAM-84 for a total of KZT15.0 bn., issue date - September 29. On July 27 Ministry of finance informed KASE by the official letter that specialized trades on the second issue MEUJKAM-180 floatation planned for July 28 of 2005 had been postponed. Date of trades holding will be announced later. The letter did not contain the reasons of the postponing. Until present the trades have not been held. [2005-08-27]