Finex LLP will control condition of the pawn on bonds of Kazakhstan Mortgage Company JSC issued within the 2nd program

09.06.05 11:08
/KASE, June 9, 05/ - Kazakhstan Mortgage Company JSC (Almaty), whose bonds are traded in Kazakhstan stock exchange's (KASE) official "A" listing category, has informed KASE that in accordance with Kazakhstan law dated May 16 of 2002 "About state purchases" the company chose an auditing organization for year 2005 for controlling the condition of the pawned property, which was the guarantee on bonds issued within the second bond program of Kazakhstan Mortgage Company JSC. These functions will be carried out by Finex LLP (Almaty). As was said before, within the mentioned program Kazakhstan Mortgage Company JSC registered bonds of two issues: the 11th (KZPC1Y10B543) and the 12th (KZPC2Y12B547). [2005-06-09]