Results of activity of Eurasian bank JSC (Kazakhstan) in the I quarter of 2005

28.04.05 11:08
/IRBIS, Galina Tsalyuk, April 28, 05/ - Eurasian bank JSC (Almaty), whose bonds are circulating in the official "A" listing category of Kazakhstan stock exchange Inc. (KASE), provided KASE with financial statement for the I quarter of 2005. Following indicators are result of bank's financial and economic activity in the I quarter of 2005, based upon bank's data (th. KZT): --------------------------------------------------------------------- As of As of Change, Indicator Apr 1, 04 Apr 1, 05 % ------------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ------- Authorized capital (paid) 6,000,017 6,000,017 0.0 Shareholders' equity 8,838,664 10,816,037 +22.4 Total assets 53,454,187 81,682,577 +52.8 Liquid assets 33,171,445 49,742,137 +50.0 Loans granted (net) 17,499,212 30,060,944 +71.8 Liabilities, total 44,615,523 70,866,540 +58.8 Clients' accounts and deposits 33,438,676 56,148,396 +67.9 Issued bonds 741,666 3,749,978 +405.6 Indebtedness to banks and other 9,759,691 9,052,953 -7.2 financial organizations Net interest incomes before reserves 503,298 822,449 +63.4 Net non-interest incomes 288,270 548,199 +90.2 Operational expenses 324,710 455,671 +40.3 Deductions to reserves 413,917 52,294 -87.4 Net income of the period 377,554 791,048 +109.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Relative to similar period of 2004 there is growth of: - shareholders equity - by KZT2.0 bn. as the result of growth of undistributed income by similar amount; - assets - by KZT28.2 bn. including: net-volume of loan portfolio - by 12.6 bn., amounts on correspondent accounts and deposits in other banks - by 11.3 bn., securities in bank's portfolio - by 3.4 bn. and other assets - by 898.9 m.; - liabilities - by KZT26.2 bn. because of growth of rests on deposit and other accounts of clients by 22.7 bn., floated bonds - by 3.0 bn. and other liabilities - by 1.2 bn. while indebtedness to other banks and financial organizations fell by 706.7 m.; - net interest incomes before deductions to reserves - by KZT319.1 m.; - net non-interest incomes - by KZT259.9 m.; - operational expenses - by KZT131.0 m. Bank's deductions to reserves fell by KZT361.6 m. in comparison with the I quarter of 2004. Net income, which Eurasian bank JSC earned in the I quarter of 2005, exceeded its net income of similar period of 2004 by KZT413.5 m. [2005-04-28]