Changes in the composition of the Board of directors of Eurasian bank JSC (Kazakhstan)

26.04.05 11:08
/KASE, April 26, 05/ - Eurasian bank JSC (Almaty, the bank) with bonds circulating in official securities list of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) under "A" category, presented KASE a copy of the decision of its sole shareholder- Eurasian financial industrial company JSC dated April 14, 2005. According to the document, the sole shareholder enacted following decisions (below are excerpts from the aforementioned document): - "To terminate the powers of Kim Inessa Cher-Khvanovna, a member of the Board of directors"; - "To elect acting Chairman of the Board Mr Dominov Yevgeny Yevgenievich as a member of the Board of directors". [2005-04-26]