In August of 2004 volume of CS purchase and sale deals at KASE rose by 1.5 times to $234.1 m.
07.09.04 21:44
/IRBIS, Ranida Gabdeyeva, Andrey Tsalyuk, September 7, 04/ - In August of
2004 at the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) 509 deals were made in
corporate securities (CS) in all sectors of the market (excluding repo-
transactions sector) for a total of KZT31,887.2 m. or $234.1 m. at current
rate of KASE effective on the day the deals were made. The stated sum
takes only 5.1% out of monthly exchange turnover (in July - 3.4%).
In comparison with July of 2004 volume of transactions increased by $80.3
m. (KZT11.0 bn.) or 1.52 times (1.53 times in terms of tenge). Relative to
August of 2003 trade volume rose by $148.4 m. (KZT19.3 bn.) or 2.7 times
(2.5 times in terms of tenge).
Structure of CS turnover at KASE in August is presented in the following
way: 4.5% ($10,559.7 th.) of conducted deals fell to the stake of primary
offerings; stake of purchase and sale sector was 95.5% ($223,500.4 th.). In
SBS sector no deals were made. Structure of exchange's CS market in July
of 2004 was was follows: the stake of primary offerings was 23.1% of
transactions volume ($35,580.9 th.), purchase and sale sector - 76.9%
($118,177.1 th.).
As the whole stock exchange's CS market in August was very active.
Volume of primary offerings decreased in comparison with July, however it is
comparable with average monthly indicator of the current year. The
secondary market is surprising with the next big deals in shares of
Corporation Kazakhmys JSC, due to which share turnover in August took the
second place in the year.
It also should be noted that CS market almost does not change at KASE by
the quality or changes very slowly. It still demonstrates the high
concentration degree, due to well marked favorites. For example, One
instrument out of 67 names of instruments involved into CS purchase and
sale deals at KASE in August controlled 44.5% of market's turnover, five -
66.9%, and ten instruments - 80.2%.
Except rare exclusions (only KZMS), rather high liquidity of favorites
estimated by the volume and number of deals made in them, is false for it's
formed by the limited number of participants of exchange's trades and mainly
by direct deals. This saying may be illustrated by the data of results of
analysis of stock exchange's transactions made in August in five most
tradable securities (other information on these instruments is given in the
table of CS trading ability at KASE, see below):
Stake of
direct deals, %
Code of ---------------- Number of brokers, Number of enabled
instrument quantity volume who made deals depo accounts
---------- -------- ------ ------------------ -----------------
KZMS 68.2 99.7 6 21
ORDB 100.0 100.0 3 21
VTBN* 87.0 42.3 3 25
KZASb2 90.9 93.4 1 14
BTASb4 85.7 99.99 2 8
* including primary offering
One also should take into account the high volatility of traded shares prices,
their dependence on deals type (market or direct) and absence of correlation
of shares rate with results of their issuers' financial-economic activity.
Share market, as was said above, had big volume of transactions. Taking
into account primary offering it has reached the equivalent of USD169.7 m,
that is чmore than corresponding indicator of July 2.7 times. Reasons are
two big direct deals in common shares of Corporation Kazakhmys JSC,
which were made at KASE on August 19. The transactions were made with
shareholding consisting of 6,083,601 securities that is 24.8% of total number
of announced and floated shares, for KZT13.6 bn (equivalent of USD100.0 m).
Disregarding these transactions share market's activity in August was in
July's level. One can make the same conclusion comparing number of
concluded deals and number of names of shares involved into deals by brokers.
In price context, August's share market was characterized by predominant
falling of securities yields. Weighted average day prices of 12 names of
shares out of 22 involved into deals, four shares grew in price, prices of five
shares remained unchanged, and there was nothing to compare the rate of
ATFBp8 with. VTZL grew most of all (by 28.57%), KKGBp fell most of all (by
KASE_Shares index lost 4.3% during the month due to negative dynamics of
demand prices for KZMS, VTBNp, VTBN, KKGBp and BTASp.
Corporate bond market was notable with the number of securities involved
into deals (45 against 39 in July) and with the number of these deals (176
against 136). However volume of transactions fell in August by 29.3%. It's
notable that one of five favorites of previous month was out of August's top-5
(see table below). KZASb2 and BTASb4 were leading.
Price tendencies of corporate bond market have not changed. Most
securities' yield was falling because of growth of their prices that was
reflected in the dynamics of KASE_B* indexes.
Below is supplemental information characterizing CS market at KASE in
August of 2004.
Change of the lists of KASE securities in August of 2004
(by the end of month, change for the month)
Shares: Bonds: Issuers:
Category of ------------- ------------- -------------
admission number trend number trend number trend
----------- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ -----
A 41 0 73 +1 49 0
B 33 0 7 0 31 0
----------- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ -----
A+B 74 0 80 +1 78 0
----------- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ -----
N 2 0 0 0 2 0
----------- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ -----
TOTAL 76 0 80 +1 78 0
Notes: "A" - official "A" listing category; "B" - official "B" listing
category; "A+B" - official list; "N" - "Non-listing securities" sector.
Most tradable securities at KASE in August of 2004 (purchase and sale only,
excluding deals in SBS and including primary floatations)
Volume of deals:
Code Brief ------------------ Num- Market Price
of name of th. m. ber of share, change,
security issuer USD KZT deals % %
-------- -------------------------- --------- -------- ------ ------ -------
KZMS Corporation Kazakhmys JSC 104,108.6 14,186.5 22 44.5 +10.6
ORDB Corporation Ordabasy JSC 14,434.8 1,966.1 45 6.2 -10.7
VTBN Valut-Tranzit-Bank JSC 13,691.7 1,859.8 54 5.8 -22.4
MINERALS JSC 13,280.5 1,811.4 22 5.7 +2.8
BTASb4 Bank TuranAlem JSC 11,107.9 1,515.8 7 4.7 -0.4
CCBN Bank CenterCredit JSC 7,974.2 1,086.8 18 3.4 -11.1
ALKS Almaty Kus OJSC 7,271.0 990.1 59 3.1 -0.7
UTMK Ust-Kamenogorsk titanium-
magnesium combine JSC 5,704.6 774.8 9 2.4 -0.5
HSBKb5 Halyk savings bank
of Kazakhstan JSC 5,575.9 762.1 1 2.4 -
ATFBb3 ATFBank JSC 4,643.8 631.8 13 2.0 +1.8
VTZLp Kazyuvelirprom JSC 3,870.4 528.1 6 1.7 -13.3
TXBNb2 ОАО "TEXAKABANK" 3,532.0 482.0 15 1.5 +4.1
VTZL Kazyuvelirprom JSC 3,036.0 413.1 32 1.3 +28.6
MREKb1 Mangistau
distributing electricity
network company OJSC 2,985.0 406.8 6 1.3 +0.1
KKGBp Kazkommertsbank JSC 2,698.8 364.9 2 1.2 -25.8
KZTCb1 KazTransCom OJSC 2,640.0 359.6 5 1.1 +0.6
ASFIb4 Astana-Finance JSC 2,603.0 354.4 14 1.1 +2.6
BTASb2 Bank TuranAlem JSC 2,518.9 343.1 6 1.1 -1.5
TSBNb1 Tsesnabank JSC 2,451.9 334.2 3 1.0 +2.3
VTBNp Valut-Tranzit-Bank JSC 2,172.9 296.1 28 0.9 -1.0
VTZLb1 Kazyuvelirprom JSC 2,024.8 276.6 6 0.9 +4.0
TEBN Temirbank JSC 1,834.6 250.0 2 0.8 +13.7
RGBRb3 RG Brands JSC 1,464.4 199.2 8 0.6 +1.6
ZERD Zerde OJSC 1,140.8 155.3 23 0.5 +12.3
BRKZb1 Development Bank of
Kazakhstan JSC 1,036.4 141.3 3 0.4 -2.9
CSBNb4 BANK CASPIAN JSC 1,018.3 139.1 2 0.4 +1.6
ASBNb2 Alliance Bank JSC 846.7 115.5 3 0.4 +0.5
ASFIb2 Astana-Finance JSC 675.2 92.1 5 0.3 +0.6
ARNAb1 ARNA OJSC 609.6 83.0 4 0.3 -5.0
BTAS Bank TuranAlem JSC 565.6 77.0 9 0.2 -12.1
CCBNb3 Bank CenterCredit JSC 552.0 75.4 2 0.2 +2.8
KZALb1 Mining and smelting
concern Kazakhaltyn JSC 464.9 63.2 3 0.2 -0.04
HSBKp Halyk savings bank
of Kazakhstan JSC 462.1 63.0 2 0.2 -0.6
KZAPb1 NAC Kazatomprom 438.1 59.6 4 0.2 +2.8
ATFBp ATFBank JSC 437.6 59.6 3 0.2 -22.2
KZIKb4 Kazakhstan Mortgage
Company JSC 434.1 59.0 5 0.2 +0.6
KARMb2 Karazhanbasmunai OJSC 394.5 53.8 2 0.2 -1.8
HSBKb2 Halyk savings bank
of Kazakhstan JSC 320.5 43.7 1 0.1 +2.7
NRBNb2 Nurbank OJSC 300.8 41.1 3 0.1 +3.9
ATFBp8 ATFBank OJSC 292.4 39.8 1 0.1 -
BTASb1 Bank TuranAlem JSC 237.0 32.3 3 0.1 +0.1
ASFIb3 Astana-FinanceJSC 229.9 31.3 3 0.1 +1.9
KZIKb2 Kazakhstan Mortgage
Company JSC 218.5 29.8 1 0.1 -3.4
KZPSb1 Kazpost JSC 193.0 26.3 3 0.1 +7.9
CHFMb1 Chimfarm JSC 183.6 25.1 1 0.1 +0.04
ROSAb1 ROSA JSC 182.1 24.7 2 0.1 +1.7
TXBNb1 TEXAKABANK OJSC 164.8 22.5 1 0.1 -3.8
HSBKb3 Halyk savings bank
of Kazakhstan JSC 160.7 21.9 2 0.1 +1.8
CSBNb3 BANK CASPIAN JSC 149.3 20.4 1 0.1 -0.03
BTAIb1 BTA Mortgage JSC 148.4 20.1 1 0.1 -0.3
NRBNb3 Nurbank OJSC 111.1 15.1 1 0.05 +0.2
TEBNb3 Temirbank JSC 103.9 14.2 2 0.04 +1.6
ATFBb2 ATFBank JSC 84.8 11.5 1 0.04 +2.1
KZIKb6 Kazakhstan Mortgage
Company JSC 75.4 10.2 1 0.03 +0.3
HSBKb Halyk savings bank
of Kazakhstan JSC 53.7 7.3 2 0.02 +7.0
TEBNb Temirbank JSC 49.9 6.8 1 0.02 -1.5
VTBNb1 Valut-Tranzit-Bank JSC 35.4 4.8 2 0.02 +4.3
HSBK Halyk savings bank
of Kazakhstan JSC 24.4 3.3 1 0.01 0
BATTERY FARM OJSC 13.6 1.9 1 0.01 -5.5
HSBKb4 Halyk savings bank
of Kazakhstan JSC 13.5 1.8 1 0.01 -0.1
KZIKb1 Kazakhstan Mortgage
Company JSC 5.8 0.8 2 0.002 +2.3
ALKZp Alulminium of
Kazakhstan JSC 1.8 0.2 5 0.001 0
RAHT Rakhat OJSC 1.6 0.2 4 0.001 -13.6
KZIKb3 Kazakhstan Mortgage
Company JSC 1.5 0.2 1 0.001 +0.3
KZCRp TNC Kazchrome OJSC 0.8 0.1 4 <0.001 0
CSBN BANK CASPIAN JSC 0.1 0.01 2 <0.001 0
CSBNp BANK CASPIAN JSC 0.0 0.01 2 <0.001 0
-------- -------------------------- --------- -------- ------ ------ -------
TOTAL 67 234,060.1 31,887.2 509 100.0 -
Comments: The securities were sorted in descending order based on the volumes
of deals expressed in U.S. dollars. Small letters in the securities codes have
the following meanings: "p" - preferred inscribed share; "b" - bond: "e" -
eurobond; the rest - common inscribed share. The figure shows the number of the
bond issue. If there is no figure (old code) it implies that it is the first
Table of main indicators of the stock exchange's CS market in August of 2004
Capitaliza- Capitaliza-
tion tion Bond value Volume of
of the of the index, purchase
share bonds Bonds including and sale
market, Share market, yield accum deals,
Date m. USD index m. USD index interest th. USD
-------- ----------- ------ ----------- ----- ---------- ---------
30.07.04 3,350.2 196.87 3,601.3 7.83 161.02 12,299.6
02.08.04 3,329.8 196.14 3,601.8 7.79 161.32 6,048.7
03.08.04 3,323.3 195.72 3,602.0 7.79 161.39 6,778.0
04.08.04 3,290.2 195.81 3,602.3 7.79 161.40 5,577.1
05.08.04 3,285.0 195.66 3,601.3 7.79 161.43 2,004.7
06.08.04 3,334.3 196.92 3,600.9 7.78 161.54 9,185.3
09.08.04 3,352.8 196.67 3,606.3 7.74 161.81 2,127.5
10.08.04 3,375.8 196.37 3,613.4 7.72 161.96 4,378.2
11.08.04 3,044.6 193.83 3,614.3 7.75 161.82 9,579.1
12.08.04 2,995.7 193.83 3,612.0 7.90 161.38 2,604.3
13.08.04 3,395.1 179.66 3,616.3 7.91 160.97 7,800.7
16.08.04 2,957.8 177.16 3,614.3 7.91 161.04 1,711.7
17.08.04 2,943.4 176.80 3,605.5 7.88 161.27 5,944.2
18.08.04 2,997.3 187.79 3,602.4 7.89 161.31 5,961.0
19.08.04 3,065.9 187.79 3,599.0 7.89 161.27 108,065.6
20.08.04 3,066.5 188.97 3,596.8 7.86 161.41 7,258.5
23.08.04 3,066.5 188.95 3,597.3 7.85 161.43 423.3
24.08.04 3,057.6 188.91 3,599.3 7.86 161.46 11,001.0
25.08.04 3,026.5 189.14 3,599.7 7.72 161.53 6,725.8
26.08.04 3,173.1 193.87 3,631.8 7.71 161.64 21,203.0
27.08.04 3,192.8 189.14 3,633.9 7.75 161.40 5,924.0
31.08.04 3,184.1 188.31 3,636.5 7.74 161.69 3,758.3
-------- ----------- ------ ----------- ----- ---------- ---------
Trend -166.1 -8.56 +35.2 -0.09 +0.67
-5.0% -4.3% +1.0% -1.1% +0.4%
Comments: The shares index (KASE_Shares) reflects the changes in the bids on
the shares from the official Exchange's securities list of "A" category,
including the market capitalization of their issuers. Capitalization of the
bonds market - indicator that reflects the volume of corporate debt circulating
on the KASE as the bonds of the companies. It is calculated on the basis of the
number of issued bonds and the bonds admitted to the trades and their current
market values. In case of the absence of the last figure, face value is used
instead. Capitalization of the share market - indicator that reflects the
market capitalization of the companies whose shares were included in the
official list of the KASE securities. It is calculated on the basis of the
number of issued and paid shares and their last market values. In case deals in
company's shares are absent its capitalization is equal to zero. Bonds yield
index (KASE_BY) - weighted average (through capitalization) yield of the
corporate bonds of category "A" of the KASE official list, which is calculated
based on the deals or average bids of the market-makers (if there is no deal).
Index of bonds yield with accumulated interest (KASE_BP) - weighted average
(through capitalization) "dirty" price of the corporate bonds of category "A"
of the KASE official list, which is calculated based on the deals or average
bids of the market-makers (if there is no deal). Purchase-sale deals volume
includes the deals made in state blocks of shares and volume of primary
floatations at KASE's specialized trades but it doesn't take into account repo