National Bank's notes-42 of 934th issue - floatation results

30.07.04 20:10
/IRBIS, Sergey Yakovlev, July 30, 04/ - Today the National Bank of Kazakhstan (NBK) held the 934th auction on floatation of short-term notes. The auction was organized with additional floatation realized during the day. Following is complete results of floatation. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Type of the securities Notes-42 Notes-42 NIN KZW1KD429341 KZW1KD427758 KASE trade code NTK042_0934 NTK775.042 IRBIS registration number 934/n 775/n Par value, KZT 100.00 100.00 Time basis actual/365 actual/365 Offering date (auction) July 30, 04 Feb 18, 03 Payment date July 30, 04 Feb 18, 03 Circulation start date July 30, 04 Feb 18, 03 Maturity date Sep 10, 04 Apr 01, 03 Days in circulation 42 42 Planned volume, KZT m 1 000.0 (+500.0) Limits on uncompetitive, % 50 (0) Number of participants - Primary agents 15 (+8) Demand, KZT m 9 524.5 (+3 173.6) WA yield on demand, % APR 3.14 (-2.19) Actual volume, KZT m 7 681.5 (+3 566.1) Cut-off price, KZT 99.66 (+0.26) WA price, KZT 99.66 (+0.26) Maximum yield, % APR 2.96 (-2.27) Weighted average yield, % APR 2.96 (-2.27) Effective WA yield, % APR 3.00 (-2.32) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Relative to previous successful floatation of notes (KZW1KD989336, notes- 98 on July 29, 04) demand grew by KZT 5,358.1 m (2.3 times), actual volume of satisfied bids - by KZT 4,930.0 m (2.8 times), effective yield of notes fell from 3.27%APR to the value indicated in the table. [2004-07-30]