In June of 2004 volume of all transactions at KASE rose by 47.5% to the equivalent of $6,004.6 m
07.07.04 22:20
/IRBIS, Sergey Yakovlev, July 7, 04/ - In June of 2004 volume of all
transactions at Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) rose in dollar equivalent
by 47.5% in comparison with previous month to $6,004.8 m. Monthly
turnover in terms of tenge rose by 46.7% to 818.5 bn.
The volume is record high monthly turnover of KASE. Previous record
($4,374.7 m or KZT 634.4 bn) registered in December 2003.
In comparison with June of 2003 volume of stock exchange's transactions
rose by 70.1% in dollar equivalent and by 55.5% in tenge equivalent.
Comparative data of the turnover at KASE and its structure in June and
May of 2004
June-2004: May-2004: Trend:
-------------- -------------- ----------------
Market's sector volume % volume % volume %
------------------------- ------- ----- ------- ----- -------- ------
m. US dollars
------------------------- ------- ----- ------- ----- -------- ------
Foreign currencies sector 567.1 9.4 595.9 14.6 -28.7 -4.8
Futures contracts sector 0 0 0.02 0.001 -0.02 -100.0
GS sector* 1 102.7 18.4 292.0 7.2 +810.6 +277.6
CS sector* 140.7 2.3 275.8 6.8 -135.1 -49.0
REPO (CS and GS) total 4 194.1 69.8 2 906.8 71.4 +1,287.3 +44.3
inc. direct repo on GS 900.0 15.0 174.8 4.3 +725.2 +414.9
inc. autorepo on GS 3 181.1 53.0 2 621.7 64.4 +559.5 +21.3
inc. direct repo on CS 60.4 1.0 66.2 1.6 -5.9 -8.8
inc. autorepo on CS 52.6 0.9 44.1 1.1 +8.5 +19.3
IFO bonds sector 0 0 0 0 0 0
Promissory notes sector 0 0 0 0 0 0
------------------------- ------- ----- ------- ----- -------- ------
TOTAL 6 004.6 100.0 4 070.4 100.0 +1,934.1 +47.5
------------------------- ------- ----- ------- ----- -------- ------
bn. KZT
------------------------- ------- ----- ------- ----- -------- ------
Foreign currencies sector 77.3 9.4 81.7 14.6 -4.4 -5.4
Futures contracts sector 0 0 0.004 0.001 -0.004 -100.0
GS sector* 150.3 18.4 40.1 7.2 +110.2 +275.1
CS sector* 19.2 2.3 37.7 6.8 -18.5 -49.1
REPO (CS and GS) total 571.8 69.9 398.5 71.4 +173.3 +43.5
inc. direct repo on GS 122.6 15.0 23.9 4.3 +98.7 +412.1
inc. autorepo on GS 433.7 53.0 359.4 64.4 +74.3 +20.7
inc. direct repo on CS 8.2 1.0 9.1 1.6 -0.9 -9.4
inc. autorepo on CS 7.2 0.9 6.0 1.1 +1.1 +18.7
IFO bonds sector 0 0 0 0 0 0
Promissory notes sector 0 0 0 0 0 0
------------------------- ------- ----- ------- ----- -------- ------
TOTAL 818.5 100.0 557.9 100.0 +260.6 +46.7
----------------------------------------- -------------- ----------------
* only deals of the primary market and purchase and sale at the secondary
market, including SBS