/KASE, March 3, 2025/ – By a decision of the Board of Directors of Kazakhstan
Stock Exchange (KASE, or the Exchange) dated February 28, 2025, the
following items were approved:
- changes and additions No. 7 to the Rules for disclosure of information by
securities admission initiators (the Rules);
- changes No. 12 to the Listing Rules.
The specified amendments shall come into effect on March 3, 2025.
The amendments were made in order to bring the Rules and Listing Rules into
line with the changes to the Resolution No. 911 of the Government of the
Republic of Kazakhstan "On determining the criteria for trading in securities on
the stock exchange" dated November 17, 2022.
The amendments provide for the following changes and additions:
- the procedure for submitting to the Exchange of information on the number
of shares in free float by issuers of shares that are in the "Shares" sector
of the main or alternative market has been changed;
- the procedure for submitting to the Exchange confirmation letters on the
placement of shares through an IPO or SPO by issuers of shares that are in
the "Shares" sector of the main or alternative market has been determined;
- the conditions for calculating information on the number of shares in free
float have been changed;
- editorial and clarifying amendments have been made.
The updated texts of the Rules and Listing Rules will be published on KASE
Internet resource at
https://kase.kz/en/kase_rules/ (tab "Listing").