Special trading session for offering on February 28 on KASE of MEUKAM KZKD00001079 (MUM216_0002) of Ministry of Finance of Republic of Kazakhstan declared failed
28.02.25 18:00
/KASE, February 28, 2025/ – A repeated special trading session for the offering
of government long-term treasury bonds of Kazakhstan's Ministry of Finance
(MEUKAM) was held in the trading system of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange
(KASE) today.
-------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
Number of participants: 1
Number of orders submitted (all / active): 3 / 3
– limit: 3 / 3
– market: 0 / 0
Volume of active orders*, mln tenge: 1,043.6
– limit: 1,043.6
– market: 0.0
Bid to ask: 2.7 %
"Clean" price on orders submitted, % of face value (on all / on active ones):
– minimum 68.7392
– maximum 69.5918
– weighted average 69.1649
Yield on orders submitted, % APR (on all / on active ones):
– minimum 14.1000
– maximum 14.3000
– weighted average 14.1996
* active orders – orders not annulled by trade participants
at expiry of order submission period including those
confirmed by Confirmation System participants.
The total volume of active orders came from institutional investors.
The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan declared this special
trading session failed due to the unsatisfactory price set for the submitted
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Trade date: 28.02.25
Current maturity: 11.9 years (4,301 days)
Declared offering volume, mln tenge: 55,000.0
Trade subject: "clean" price
Market order execution rate, %: from 0 to 100 depending
on market demand
Order submission method: closed
Order collection time: 09:00–12:00
Order confirmation time: 09:00–12:00
Cut-off date and time: 28.02.25, 15:00
Payment date: 28.02.25
Method of execution of limit offset orders: pro rata to amounts of
offset orders
Method of execution of limit orders: at prices of limit offset
orders equal to the cut-off
price or those more
favorable for the seller
Method of execution of market orders: at weighted average price