Special trading session for offering on February 28 on KASE of MEUKAM KZKD00001152 (MUM132_0007) of Ministry of Finance of Republic of Kazakhstan declared failed
28.02.25 17:57
/KASE, February 28, 2025/ – A repeated special trading session for the offering
of government long-term treasury bonds of Kazakhstan's Ministry of Finance
(MEUKAM) was held in the trading system of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange
(KASE) today.
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Number of participants: 2
Number of orders submitted (all / active): 5 / 5
– limit: 4 / 4
– market: 1 / 1
Volume of active orders*, mln tenge: 1,533.9
– limit: 1,433.9
– market: 100.0
Bid to ask: 2.3 %
"Clean" price on orders submitted, % of face value (on all / on active ones):
– minimum 82.6231
– maximum 83.7818
– weighted average 83.3457
Yield on orders submitted, % APR (on all / on active ones):
– minimum 14.3000
– maximum 14.6000
– weighted average 14.4121
* active orders – orders not annulled by trade participants
at expiry of order submission period including those
confirmed by Confirmation System participants.
Of the total volume of active orders, banks accounted for 12.3 %,
other institutional investors – for 87.7 %.
The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan declared this special
trading session failed due to the unsatisfactory price set for the submitted
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Trade date: 28.02.25
Current maturity: 7.4 years (2,666 days)
Declared offering volume, KZT mln: 75,000.0
Trade subject: "clean" price
Market order execution rate, %: from 0 to 100 depending
on market demand
Order submission method: closed
Order collection time: 09:00–12:00
Order confirmation time: 09:00–12:00
Cut-off date and time: 28.02.25, 15:00
Payment date: 28.02.25
Limit offset orders execution method: pro rata to amounts
of offset orders
Limit orders execution method: at prices of limit offset orders equal to the
cut-off price or those
more favorable for
the seller
Market orders execution method: at weighted average price