/KACC, January 24, 2025/ – By a decision of the Management Board of KASE
Clearing Centre (KACC, Clearing Centre) dated January 24, 2025, additions No.
4 (amendments) to KACC's internal document "Procedure for conducting
clearing sessions on transactions with central counterparty" (Regulations)
were approved, which shall come into effect on January 24, 2025.
The amendments were made in connection with the accession of Kazakhstan
Stock Exchange (KASE) and the Clearing Centre to the Tabadul Digital
Exchange Hub and determine the final time for the delivery of money by a
clearing participant – a participant in the digital exchange hub for the
fulfillment of net obligations under transactions.
The updated text of the Regulations will be published on KACC's Internet
resource at
http://kacc.kase.kz/en/clearing/ (tab "Clearing").