KASE complies with requirements of European regulator ESMA

08.10.24 17:58
/KASE, October 8, 2024/ – Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) has been included by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) in the list of trading platforms that meet requirements for transparency of post-trade information. This status recognizes KASE as a trading platform from third countries that meets European standards for compliance with post-trade transparency in accordance with the requirements of MiFID II/MiFIR (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive /Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation). According to the rules for regulating financial markets, receiving a positive assessment from ESMA means that European investment companies concluding transactions on KASE are exempt from mandatory reporting on such transactions in accordance with MiFIR. A press release dedicated to this event was published on KASE website: - https://kase.kz/files/press/kz/08_10_2024_KASE_ESMA_kaz.pdf – in Qazaq; - https://kase.kz/files/press/ru/08_10_2024_KASE_ESMA_rus.pdf – in Russian; - https://kase.kz/files/press/en/08_10_2024_KASE_ESMA_eng.pdf – in English. [2024-10-08]