KASE published on its Internet resource reviews of PMI index of manufacturing industries and services in Kazakhstan for September from Freedom Holding Corp.

03.10.24 13:53
/KASE, October 3, 2024/ – Freedom Holding Corp. has provided Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) with reviews of the Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) of manufacturing and services in Kazakhstan for September 2024. Below are comments from Yerlan Abdikarimov, Director of the Financial Analysis Department of Freedom Finance Global PLC (a 100% subsidiary of Freedom Holding Corp.). – On the index of manufacturing industries in Kazakhstan: "The overall condition of the manufacturing industry in September remains at a relatively high level, despite a slight decline compared to the record level reached in August. The increase in output volumes, which has been the highest in the past year and a half, is one of the key factors supporting the sector. Such an increase is associated with increased demand. Enterprises have begun processing the new orders they secured earlier, for which staffing was being recruited at a high rate in recent months. Such active dynamics led to the depletion in stocks of finished goods, which fell to their lowest level this year. As we can see, this did not seriously affected output prices and is unlikely to lead to a significant deterioration in the sector in the coming months". – On the index of the service sector of Kazakhstan: "Positive expectations of service providers for September were met, allowing business activity to shift into expansion territory after the unfavourable downturn observed in August. The services sector revived in response to recovering demand and continued easing of inflationary pressures. The inflow of new orders is once again showing growth. The rate of employment increase has reached its highest level this year. Service providers continue to feel less pricing pressure compared to manufacturers. However, the degree of optimism regarding expectations over a one-year horizon has fallen to one of the lowest values this year, but is still at a fairly high level". Reviews are published on KASE's Internet resource: - https://kase.kz/ru/pmi-indicator/ – in Russian; - https://kase.kz/en/pmi-indicator/ – in English. [2024-10-03]