Development Bank of Kazakhstan reported on German banks' investments in the development of projects in Kazakhstan

17.09.24 14:07
/KASE, September 17, 2024/ – Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC (Astana), whose bonds are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has provided KASE with the following press release dated September 17, 2024: quote Within the framework of the Kazakh-German Business Forum held in Astana during the official visit of German Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC (a subsidiary of "Baiterek" Holding) signed three key documents with leading German financial institutions: Deutsche Bank, Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW) and KFW IPEX Bank. The first of the signed documents is a letter of mandate from Deutsche Bank in the amount of up to 200 million US dollars aimed at financing investment projects in Kazakhstan. Together with the letter of mandate, the DBK concluded two framework agreements: with LBBW for 100 million euros to finance export transactions with the support of credit agencies and with KFW IPEX Bank for 100 million euros, which will be aimed at supporting infrastructure and industrial projects in Kazakhstan. unquote The complete press release is available on – [2024-09-17]