Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan says Moody's Ratings upgraded the bank's long-term ratings to "Baa1", outlook "Stable"

16.09.24 17:29
/KASE, September 16, 2024/ – Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC (Almaty), whose securities are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has provided KASE with the following press release: quote Moody's Ratings (Moody's) has upgraded long-term deposit ratings to the historically high level – 'Baa1' at par with sovereign. The outlook is stable. The rating action follows the upgrade of Kazakhstan government rating to Baa1 from Baa2 and change the outlook to stable from positive on 9 September 2024, which was driven by Moody's assessment that ongoing enhancements to the institutional and policy framework, combined with sustained momentum in economic diversification away from hydrocarbons have and will continue to enhance Kazakhstan's resilience to shocks. Moody's expects that the Bank will be able to preserve its credit metrics which have already improved during the last two-three years, and that its growing and maturing franchise will support profitability. Also, rating agency anticipates that the greater economic resilience will cap cost of risk while greater stability of monetary fundamentals will support liquidity through greater stability of deposit base. As a result, Moody's upgraded Halyk's long-term deposit ratings to Baa1 from Baa2 and changed its outlook on the longterm deposit ratings to stable from positive. The upgrade reflects Moody's expectation that the improved operating environment will allow the Bank to preserve its capital, liquidity and profitability, improve asset quality and reduce their volatility. unquote The complete press release is available on: - https://kase.kz/files/emitters/HSBK/hsbk_relizs_160924_1.pdf – in Russian; - https://kase.kz/files/emitters/HSBK/hsbk_relizs_160924_en.pdf – in English. [2024-09-16]