In January-August 2024, the volume of trading on KASE amounted to 255.5 trillion tenge ($560.2 billion)

13.09.24 14:22
/KASE, 13.09.24/ – In January-August 2024, the volume of trading on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) in all market sectors amounted to 255,546.1 billion tenge (equivalent to 560,184.2 million US dollars) and increased by 8.0 % (6.6 % in dollar terms) relative to the corresponding period of 2023. The trading volume decreased by 17.9 % compared to the previous eight-month period (May-December) of 2023. The table below shows the volume of trading (calculated by the amounts raised) in 2024, broken down by market sectors, and comparable data for 2023. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I-VIII, 2024 I-VIII, 2023 Trend -------------------- ----------------- ----------------------- Exchange market sector trade structure, trade струк- in measuring in % volume % volume тура, % currency --------------------------- --------- ---------- --------- ------- ------------ ---------- billion tenge --------------------------- --------- ---------- --------- ------- ------------ ---------- Securities market 9,681.2 3.8 8,168.9 3.5 +1,512.3 +18.5 Shares 218.3 0.1 195.6 0.1 +22.7 +11.6 – primary market 49.5 <0.1 0.1 <0.1 +49.4 +34,069.7 – secondary market 168.8 0.1 195.5 0.1 -26.7 -13.6 – KASE Global 23.4 <0.1 27.3 <0.1 -3.9 -14.3 Corporate debt securities 2,864.0 1.1 1,254.9 0.5 +1,609.2 +128.2 – primary market 2,322.8 0.9 867.8 0.4 +1,455.0 +167.7 – secondary market 541.3 0.2 387.1 0.2 +154.2 +39.8 GS 6,364.9 2.5 6,486.0 2.7 -121.1 -1.9 – primary market 5,095.0 2.0 4,723.2 2.0 +371.8 +7.9 – secondary market 1,269.9 0.5 1,762.8 0.7 -492.9 -28.0 IFO bonds 200.2 0.1 197.7 0.1 +2.5 +1.3 – primary market 180.6 0.1 162.4 0.1 +18.2 +11.2 – secondary market 19.6 <0.1 35.3 <0.1 -15.7 -44.5 Investment fund securities 8.8 <0.1 6.4 <0.1 +2.3 +36.4 Derivatives 1.6 <0.1 1.1 <0.1 +0.5 +45.9 Foreign currency market 21,966.4 8.6 19,001.0 8.0 +2,965.4 +15.6 US dollar 16,126.2 6.3 11,398.3 4.8 +4,728.0 +41.5 Russian ruble 2,349.1 0.9 1,021.4 0.4 +1,327.7 +130.0 Chinese yuan 301.8 0.1 200.4 0.1 +101.4 +50.6 Euro 206.5 0.1 309.3 0.1 -102.8 -33.2 Euro-US dollar 618.3 0.2 5,429.3 2.3 -4,811.0 -88.6 US dollar-yuan 2,358.6 0.9 642.3 0.3 +1,716.3 +267.2 Euro-yuan 6.0 <0.1 – – +6.0 x Money market 223,898.4 87.6 209,506.1 88.5 +14,392.4 +6.9 Repo transactions 173,170.9 67.8 174,810.1 73.9 -1,639.2 -0.9 – "nego" repo with GS 0.1 <0.1 1.9 <0.1 -1.8 -96.7 – auto repo with GS 123,858.0 48.5 139,179.4 58.8 -15,321.3 -11.0 – "nego" repo with CS 98.2 <0.1 39.9 <0.1 +58.3 +146.0 – auto repo with CS 49,210.7 19.3 35,587.5 15.0 +13,623.2 +38.3 – "nego" repo with GCC – – – – 0 x – auto repo with GCC 3.9 <0.1 1.5 <0.1 +2.5 +169.1 Currency swap transactions 50,727.5 19.9 34,696.0 14.7 +16,031.6 +46.2 – in US dollar 50,075.3 19.6 34,349.1 14.5 +15,726.1 +45.8 – in euro 237.4 0.1 0.2 <0.1 +237.2 +120,830.4 – in ruble 414.7 0.2 346.6 0.1 +68.0 +19.6 – in yuan 0.3 <0.1 – – +0.3 x Derivatives market <0.1 <0.1 29.4 <0.1 -29.4 -100.0 Futures <0.1 <0.1 29.4 <0.1 -29.4 -100.0 --------------------------- --------- ---------- --------- ------- ------------ ---------- TOTAL trading volume 255,546.1 100.0 236,705.4 100.0 +18,840.7 +8.0 --------------------------- --------- ---------- --------- ------- ------------ ---------- in million US dollar --------------------------- --------- ---------- --------- ------- ------------ ---------- Securities market 21,168.3 4.1 18,166.8 3.5 +3,001.5 +16.5 Shares 477.6 0.1 433.6 0.1 +44.0 +10.2 – primary market 110.5 <0.1 0.3 <0.1 +110.2 +35,175.5 – secondary market 367.1 0.1 433.3 0.1 -66.2 -15.3 – KASE Global 50.6 <0.1 60.8 <0.1 -10.2 -16.8 Corporate debt securities 6,212.1 1.2 2,789.3 0.5 +3,422.7 +122.7 – primary market 5,052.6 1.0 1,930.5 0.4 +3,122.0 +161.7 – secondary market 1,159.5 0.2 858.8 0.2 +300.7 +35.0 GS 13,961.5 2.7 14,427.4 2.7 -465.9 -3.2 – primary market 11,168.0 2.2 10,499.1 2.0 +669.0 +6.4 – secondary market 2,793.5 0.5 3,928.3 0.7 -1,134.9 -28.9 IFO bonds 443.7 0.1 438.9 0.1 +4.8 +1.1 – primary market 401.5 0.1 359.8 0.1 +41.8 +11.6 – secondary market 42.2 <0.1 79.1 <0.1 -36.9 -46.7 Investment trust securities 19.2 <0.1 14.3 <0.1 +5.0 +34.8 Derivatives 3.6 <0.1 2.5 <0.1 +1.1 +44.1 Foreign currency market 48,093.9 9.4 42,157.7 8.0 +5,936.2 +14.1 US dollar 35,392.3 6.9 25,294.9 4.8 +10,097.5 +39.9 Russian ruble 5,087.9 1.0 2,268.4 0.4 +2,819.5 +124.3 Chinese yuan 653.1 0.1 445.9 0.1 +207.2 +46.5 Euro 448.5 0.1 688.5 0.1 -240.0 -34.9 Euro-US dollar 1,339.5 0.3 12,036.7 2.3 -10,697.2 -88.9 US dollar-yuan 5,159.8 1.0 1,423.4 0.3 +3,736.4 +262.5 Euro-yuan 12.9 <0.1 – – +12.9 x Money market 443,467.3 86.5 464,998.0 88.5 -21,530.7 -4.6 Repo transactions 332,022.9 64.8 388,053.0 73.9 -56,030.1 -14.4 – "nego" repo with GS 0.1 <0.1 4.2 <0.1 -4.0 -96.7 – auto repo with GS 234,102.3 45.7 309,044.3 58.8 -74,942.0 -24.2 – "nego" repo with CS 167.5 <0.1 88.6 <0.1 +78.9 +89.0 – auto repo with CS 97,747.6 19.1 78,912.6 15.0 +18,835.0 +23.9 – "nego" repo with GCC – – – – 0 x – auto repo with GCC 5.3 <0.1 3.2 <0.1 +2.1 +64.9 Currency swap transactions 111,444.5 21.7 76,945.0 14.6 +34,499.4 +44.8 – in US dollar 110,022.1 21.5 76,177.4 14.5 +33,844.7 +44.4 – in euro 504.5 0.1 0.4 <0.1 +504.1 +114,522.2 – in ruble 917.3 0.2 767.2 0.1 +150.1 +19.6 – in yuan 0.6 <0.1 – – +0.6 x Derivatives market <0.1 <0.1 64.6 <0.1 -64.6 -100.0 Futures <0.1 <0.1 64.6 <0.1 -64.6 -100.0 --------------------------- --------- ---------- --------- ------- ------------ ---------- TOTAL trading volume 560,184.2 100.0 525,387.2 100.0 +34,797.0 +6.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Notes to table: GS – government serial securities; IFO – international financial organizations; CS – corporate serial securities; "nego" repo – repo transactions carried out by "direct" method (with conclusion of direct opening and closing repo deals); auto repo – repo transactions carried out automatically; 'n/t' – no trade held. Trade volume is calculated on all executed exchange deals, concluded by any possible KASE trade method. [2024-09-13]