Kazatomprom National Nuclear Company JSC announced an upgrade by Moody's Ratings Agency of the company’s rating to the Baa1 level, the outlook is "Stable"

13.09.24 10:11
/KASE, 13.09.24/ – Kazatomprom National Nuclear Company JSC (Astana), whose securities are on the official list of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), provided KASE with a press release dated September 12, 2024, which informs the following: the beginning of the quote Kazatomprom National Nuclear Company JSC (hereinafter referred to as Kazatomprom or the "Company") informs that the Moody's Investors Service International Rating Agency (hereinafter referred to as "Moody's") upgraded the Company's rating from Baa2 to Baa1, in connection with the upgrade of the sovereign rating of Kazakhstan. The Company's outlook is “Stable”. Kazatomprom's basic credit score has been raised by one notch. Moody's issued a statement on the rating change and stable outlook on September 11, 2024. the end of the quote Full version of the press release is available at: https://kase.kz/files/emitters/KZAP/kzap_relizs_120924_21.pdf [2024-09-13]