Volume of trades on KASE totaled KZT221.6 trln ($489.2 bn) in January-July 2024

12.08.24 16:00
/KASE, August 12, 2024/ – In January-July 2024, the volume of trades on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) in all market sectors made up KZT221,595.6 bn (equivalent of USD489,226.9 mln) having increased by 12.9 % (by 12.2 % in dollar terms) YoY. Compared to the previous seven-month period (June-December) of 2023, the trading volume has decreased by 21.7 %. The table below shows the trades volume (calculated by amounts raised) in 2024 broken down by market sector and comparison with indicators of 2023. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I-VII, 2024 I-VII, 2023 trend -------------------- -------------------- ----------------------- Stock exchange market sector trade structure, trade structure, in measuring in % volume % volume % currency ---------------------------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------------ ---------- bn tenge ---------------------------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------------ ---------- Securities market 8,654.0 3.9 7,505.0 3.8 +1,149.0 +15.3 Shares 209.2 0.1 163.7 0.1 +45.5 +27.8 – primary market 49.5 <0.1 0.1 <0.1 +49.4 +34,069.7 – secondary market 159.7 0.1 163.5 0.1 -3.8 -2.3 – KASE Global 20.5 <0.1 19.6 <0.1 +0.9 +4.4 Corporate debt securities 2,367.2 1.1 1,113.1 0.6 +1,254.0 +112.7 – primary market 2,084.1 0.9 779.5 0.4 +1,304.6 +167.4 – secondary market 283.1 0.1 333.6 0.2 -50.5 -15.1 GS 5,847.6 2.6 6,034.9 3.1 -187.2 -3.1 – primary market 4,710.7 2.1 4,479.6 2.3 +231.1 +5.2 – secondary market 1,136.9 0.5 1,555.3 0.8 -418.4 -26.9 IFO bonds 199.8 0.1 167.0 0.1 +32.8 +19.6 – primary market 180.6 0.1 137.4 0.1 +43.2 +31.5 – secondary market 1.5 <0.1 1.0 <0.1 +0.5 +52.2 Foreign currency market 18,473.1 8.3 15,336.1 7.8 +3,137.0 +20.5 US dollar 13,861.9 6.3 9,705.5 4.9 +4,156.4 +42.8 Russian ruble 1,684.9 0.8 871.2 0.4 +813.7 +93.4 Chinese yuan 224.8 0.1 161.9 0.1 +62.9 +38.8 Euro 150.4 0.1 257.9 0.1 -107.5 -41.7 Euro-US dollar 453.1 0.2 3,981.2 2.0 -3,528.1 -88.6 US dollar-yuan 2,091.8 0.9 358.3 0.2 +1,733.5 +483.8 Euro-yuan 6.0 <0.1 – – +6.0 x Money market 194,468.5 87.8 173,363.8 88.3 +21,104.7 +12.2 Repo transactions 150,469.8 67.9 145,198.6 74.0 +5,271.2 +3.6 – "nego" repo with GS 0.1 <0.1 0.9 <0.1 -0.8 -93.2 – auto repo with GS 106,136.1 47.9 114,744.8 58.5 -8,608.7 -7.5 – "nego" repo with CS 76.4 <0.1 31.3 <0.1 +45.1 +144.2 – auto repo with CS 44,254.7 20.0 30,420.2 15.5 +13,834.5 +45.5 – "nego" repo with GCC – – – – 0 x – auto repo with GCC 2.5 <0.1 1.5 <0.1 +1.0 +70.1 Currency swap transactions 43,998.7 19.9 28,165.2 14.4 +15,833.5 +56.2 – in US dollar 43,386.1 19.6 27,868.1 14.2 +15,518.0 +55.7 – in euro 236.5 0.1 0.1 <0.1 +236.4 +243,126.3 – in ruble 376.1 0.2 296.9 0.2 +79.1 +26.7 Derivatives market <0.1 <0.1 26.9 <0.1 -26.9 -100.0 Futures <0.1 <0.1 26.9 <0.1 -26.9 -100.0 ---------------------------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------------ ---------- TOTAL 221,595.6 100.0 196,231.8 100.0 +25,363.8 +12.9 ---------------------------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------------ ---------- in mln US dollar ---------------------------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------------ ---------- Securities market 19,032.7 3.9 16,692.5 3.8 +2,340.1 +14.0 Shares 458.6 0.1 363.5 0.1 +95.1 +26.2 – primary market 110.5 <0.1 0.3 <0.1 +110.2 +35,175.5 – secondary market 348.1 0.1 363.2 0.1 -15.1 -4.1 – KASE Global 44.6 <0.1 43.9 <0.1 +0.7 +1.7 Corporate debt securities 5,183.6 1.1 2,475.1 0.6 +2,708.5 +109.4 – primary market 4,558.4 0.9 1,735.3 0.4 +2,823.1 +162.7 – secondary market 625.2 0.1 739.8 0.2 -114.6 -15.5 GS 12,881.7 2.6 13,425.3 3.1 -543.6 -4.0 – primary market 10,366.7 2.1 9,955.2 2.3 +411.5 +4.1 – secondary market 2,515.0 0.5 3,470.1 0.8 -955.1 -27.5 IFO bonds 442.7 0.1 369.8 0.1 +72.9 +19.7 – primary market 401.5 0.1 303.4 0.1 +98.1 +32.3 – secondary market 41.2 <0.1 66.4 <0.1 -25.2 -38.0 Investment trust securities 18.2 <0.1 12.8 <0.1 +5.4 +42.1 Derivatives 3.2 <0.1 2.1 <0.1 +1.1 +51.2 Foreign currency market 40,796.7 8.3 34,060.7 7.8 +6,736.0 +19.8 US dollar 30,664.6 6.3 21,557.6 4.9 +9,107.1 +42.2 Russian ruble 3,699.7 0.8 1,936.4 0.4 +1,763.3 +91.1 Chinese yuan 492.7 0.1 360.8 0.1 +131.9 +36.6 Euro 331.3 0.1 575.0 0.1 -243.7 -42.4 Euro-US dollar 994.1 0.2 8,831.7 2.0 -7,837.6 -88.7 US dollar-yuan 4,601.2 0.9 799.2 0.2 +3,802.0 +475.7 Euro-yuan 12.9 <0.1 – – +12.9 x Money market 429,397.5 87.8 385,095.2 88.3 +44,302.4 +11.5 Repo transactions 332,022.9 67.9 322,590.0 74.0 +9,432.8 +2.9 – "nego" repo with GS 0.1 <0.1 2.0 <0.1 -1.8 -93.1 – auto repo with GS 234,102.3 47.9 255,032.5 58.5 -20,930.2 -8.2 – "nego" repo with CS 167.5 <0.1 69.4 <0.1 +98.0 +141.2 – auto repo with CS 97,747.6 20.0 67,482.9 15.5 +30,264.7 +44.8 – "nego" repo with GCC – – – – 0 x – auto repo with GCC 5.3 <0.1 3.2 <0.1 +2.1 +64.9 Currency swap transactions 97,374.7 19.9 62,505.2 14.3 +34,869.5 +55.8 – in US dollar 96,035.3 19.6 61,846.8 14.2 +34,188.6 +55.3 – in euro 502.7 0.1 0.2 <0.1 +502.5 +230,914.9 – in ruble 836.6 0.2 658.2 0.2 +178.4 +27.1 Derivatives market <0.1 <0.1 59.1 <0.1 -59.1 -100.0 Futures <0.1 <0.1 59.1 <0.1 -59.1 -100.0 ---------------------------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------------ ---------- TOTAL 489,226.9 100.0 435,907.6 100.0 +53,319.4 +12.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes to table: GS – government serial securities; IFO – international financial organizations; CS – corporate serial securities; "nego" repo – repo transactions carried out by "direct" method (with conclusion of direct opening and closing repo deals); auto repo – repo transactions carried out automatically; 'n/t' – no trade held. Trade volume is calculated on all executed exchange deals, concluded by any possible KASE trade method. [2024-08-12]