Development Bank of Kazakhstan publishes verified annual report for 2023

12.08.24 10:14
/KASE, August 12, 2024/ – Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC (Astana), whose bonds are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has provided KASE with the following press release dated August 9, 2024: quote The Development Bank of Kazakhstan has released its annual report for 2023, which has been verified by PwC. The Bank disclosed information in accordance with the international requirements of GRI, SASB, IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 (previously TCFD recommendations), as well as the requirements of the national regulator – the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market and the Rules of the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange KASE. Despite the difficult external economic situation, last year was a period of growth and achievement of new heights for the Development Bank of Kazakhstan. Over the past year, the DBK Group has provided financing for 1,061 billion tenge. In particular, the bank has financed 42 projects totaling 748 billion tenge. 43 projects with a total amount of financing of 1.2 trillion tenge have been approved. In addition, 3 projects with a total cost of 120 billion tenge were put into operation. Among them, the expansion of the capacity of a poultry farm in the Akmola region, as well as two processing plants in the Karaganda and Aktobe regions. On the basis of these enterprises, 798 new permanent jobs have been created for Kazakhstani specialists. These projects show the contribution of the DBK to the socio-economic development of the regions of Kazakhstan. unquote The complete press release is available on – [2024-08-12]