BASS Gold informs about receiving license for exploration of solid minerals on 11 geological blocks

08.08.24 15:23
/KASE, August 8, 2024/ – BASS Gold LLP (Ulytau region), whose bonds are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has provided KASE with the following press release dated August 8, 2024: quote BASS Gold LLP (hereinafter – the Company) reports that in July of this year the Ministry of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan issued a license for the exploration of solid minerals in new 11 geological blocks adjacent to the Ushshoqy deposit. The total area of the new territory for geological exploration is 25.1 sq. km. Geological exploration work is supposed to begin this year. An Exploration Plan is currently being developed, which, in accordance with the procedure established by law, will be sent to the authorized body to conduct a state environmental assessment. The company preliminary estimates gold reserves in the new territory at 2 to 4 tons. At the same time, confirmation of reserves will be presented in reports developed in accordance with KAZRC and JORC standards. It should be noted that obtaining a license is an additional step for the Company towards the planned expansion of its raw material base, which will result in a significant increase in the volume of Doré alloy produced. unquote The complete press release is available on – [2024-08-08]