Toyota Financial Services Kazakhstan MFO says Fitch Ratings assigned ratings to the company's bonds

31.07.24 10:42
/KASE, July 31, 2024/ – "Toyota Financial Services Kazakhstan" MFO LLP (Almaty) , whose bonds are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has informed KASE about the following: quote On July 30, 2024, Fitch Ratings assigned the issue of four-year senior unsecured bonds of "Toyota Financial Services Kazakhstan" MFO LLP (hereinafter – TFSKZ) with a fixed rate and a volume of 3.5 billion tenge, which is part of the company's bond program, a long-term rating "BBB+" and national long-term rating "AAA(kaz)". unquote Full information is available on – [2024-07-31]