On July 2, KASE trading system sold 5,244,034 common shares KZ1C00000983 (AMAN) of Altai Resources JSC for 4.3 billion KZT

02.07.24 19:07
/KASE, July 2, 2024/ – Today, the trading system of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) held specialized trading to sell common shares KZ1C00000983 (alternative KASE platform, “shares” sector, AMAN) of Altai Resources JSC (Almaty). Below are the demand parameters and results of the specialized trading. DEMAND PARAMETERS: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of participants: 2 Number of submitted orders (total / active): 2 / 2 Volume of active orders*, mln KZT: 4,283.8 Demand to supply, %: 100.8 Price under sold orders, KZT: – minimum 700.0000 – maximum 811.1700 – average weighted 810.2688 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * active orders – orders that have not been canceled by trading participants at the time of expiry of the order submission period, including those confirmed by participants of the Confirmation System. In the total volume of active orders, broker and dealer organizations accounted for 0.7 %, other legal entities – 99.3 %. SALE RESULTS: ------------------------------------------- --------------- Volume of executed orders, shares: 5,244,034 Volume of executed orders, KZT: 4,253,803,059.8 Number of executed orders 1 Number of participants with executed orders 1 Volume of executed orders, % of the target: 100.0 Price in executed orders, KZT: 811.17 ----------------------------------------------------------- According to data of Central Securities Depository JSC (Almaty), the transaction under this placement by the time of the end of settlements based on the trading results was performed and executed in full. The entire volume upon sale was redeemed by legal entities. SALE CONDITIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Trading date: 02.07.24 Declared sale volume, pcs: 5,244,034 Lot size, pcs: 1 Trading subject: share price Types of buy orders: limit Order submission method: closed Order acceptance time: 13:00–13:30 Order confirmation time: 13:00–13:30 Cutoff date and time: 14:00 (Т+0) Settlement date and time: 02.07.24, 14:00 Order cutoff method: orders are cut off where their prices are equal to or lower than the cutoff price Execution order of limit orders depending on order prices: at prices of limit offset orders equal to the cutoff price or more favorable for the seller Execution order of limit orders depending on their submission order: at acceptance time of offset orders Trading initiator: SkyBridge Invest JSC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2024-07-02]