Specialized trading for placement of MEKKAM KZK100000340 (MKM006_0001) on June 28 on KASE failed

28.06.24 17:50
/KASE, June 28, 2024/ – Today, the trading system of the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) held specialized trades to place government short-term treasury obligations of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan (MEKKAM). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEMAND PARAMETERS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of participants: 8 Number of submitted orders (total / active): 48 / 48 including: – limit: 47 / 47 – market: 1 / 1 Volume of active orders*, mln KZT: 224,046.7 including: – limit: 222,546.7 – market: 1,500.0 Demand to supply: 171.4 % "Clean" price under submitted orders, % of the face value (under all / under active): – minimum 93.1966 – maximum 93.7075 – average weighted 93.3695 Yield on submitted orders, % p.a. (under all / under active): – minimum 13.4300 – maximum 14.6000 – average weighted 14.2026 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * active orders – orders that have not been canceled by trading participants at the time of expiration of the bid submission period, including confirmed by participants of the confirmation System. In the total volume of active orders, banks accounted for 99.7 %, other institutional investors – 0.3%. The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan declared these specialized auctions failed due to unsatisfactory prices for submitted orders. OFFERING CONDITIONS: ---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Trading date: 28.06.24 Declared offering volume, mln KZT: 140 000,0 Trading subject: "clean" price Execution extent of market orderrs, %: 0 - 100 depending on the market demand Order submission method: closed Order acceptance time: 09:00–12:00 Order confirmation time: 09:00–12:00 Cutoff time: 28.06.24, 15:00 Payment date and time: 28.06.24 Execution method of limit offset orders: proportionally to sizes of offset orders Execution method of limit orders: at prices of limit offset orders equal to the cut-off price or more favorable for the seller Execution method of market orders: at average weighted price ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2024-06-28]