Development Bank of Kazakhstan reports signing of first syndicate agreement in Kazakhstan

14.05.24 18:02
/KASE, May 14, 2024/ – Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC (Astana), whose bonds are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has provided KASE with the following press release dated May 14, 2024: quote Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC (a subsidiary of Baiterek NMH JSC) together with Nurbank JSC and Bank CenterCredit JSC signed a syndicated loan agreement. The funds will be provided to the large beverage manufacturer RG Brands Kazakhstan LLP to expand production capacity and increase product exports to the Uzbekistan market. Note that this is the first syndicated loan agreement of DBK in partnership with Kazakh second-tier banks. Bank CenterCredit JSC became the first bank in Kazakhstan to issue a tranche within the syndicate and assume the role of an agent bank representing the interests of all creditors of the syndicate and providing credit administration services under syndicated loans. unquote The complete press release is available on – [2024-05-14]