/KASE, January 27, 04/ - Today trades in state block of shares (SBS) of Open
Ust-Kamenogorsk) were continued at Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE).
SBS consisting of 59,350 common shares of the company (5.5% of total number
of floated shares of UKTMC OJSC), which was not sold yesterday, has been
exhibited for trades under the code NZ_UTMK_5.5.
This block is sold in retail, i.e. one lot consists of one share. All lots are
to be quoted at KASE in Kazakhstan tenge per one share with the accuracy of two
decimal figures.
Initiator of the trades is the Committee of state property and privatization of
the Ministry of finance of Kazakhstan (Committee). KIB ASSET MANAGEMENT Ltd.
JSC (Almaty) is the broker authorized for SBS sale.
The SBS is sold in KASE's trade system since 11:30 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. of
Almaty time by open trade method in accordance with section II of KASE's
internal document "Description of trades holding methods"
http://www.kase.kz/geninfo/normbase/methods.asp). Every time when purchase
and sale prices coincide in bids submitted during the open trade KASE's trade
system will automatically open for 15 minutes trades in corresponding
instrument by Frankfurt method (article 3, chapter I, section IV, "Description
of methods of trades holding"). During this trade potential buyers, competing
between each other, can submit bids at higher prices. Period of trade by
Frankfurt method ends no less than in 5 minutes since the moment of the last
bid submitting, changing or annulling of any bid by any trade participant.
Thus, if trades in any lot by Frankfurt method start later than 4:45 p.m. of
Almaty time, they can be closed after 5:00 p.m., but anyway - before 6:00 p.m.
Settlements according to results of the trades are made in compliance with the
article 7 of KASE's internal document "State blocks of shares. Order of
admission to sale at trades and settlements according to results of trades"
http://www.kase.kz/geninfo/normbase/gpa.asp). In accordance with this
document sum of deal excluding sum of commission fee of KASE and transferred
before guarantee fee (which is transferred before the beginning of the trades
by potential buyer to KASE's correspondent account) is to be transferred by SBS
buyer to the correspondent account of Central depository of securities CJSC
(Almaty) within seven working days since the day of its making. Size of
guarantee fee on the traded block of shares is KZT1,000.00 for one share.
Bids for participating in the trades may be submitted only by KASE's members of
"H" category. Investors can submit bids through these juridical persons. Full
list of KASE's members of "H" category has been published in the stock
exchange's site at
Shares can be purchased at the trades by any physical or juridical person,
which is resident or non-resident of the Republic of Kazakhstan. On the reason
shares of SBS have been included in KASE's "A" listing category, they can be
purchased at the expense of pension assets of accumulative pension funds of
One can observe the trades in the Internet in real time mode at
We're reminding that on January 26 SBS of UKTMC OJSC consisting of 107,910
common shares (10.0% of total number of floated shares, trade code is
NZ_UTMK_10) was sold at KASE by indivisible lot for KZT777,167,820.00. Price
of the deal was KZT7,202.00 per share.