KazTransOil says Board of Directors of the company decided to issue bonds of Main Water Supply LLP
05.04.23 15:00
/KASE, April 5, 2023/ – KazTransOil JSC (Astana), whose securities are
officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has provided KASE with
the following press release dated April 5, 2023:
"KazTransOil JSC" hereby informs that on April 3, 2023 the Board of Directors of
"KazTransOil JSC" resolved to issue bonds of “Main Waterline” LLP under the
following conditions:
1)bonds issuance procedure – inclusion of bonds in the official list of
securities of "Kazakhstan Stock Exchange" JSC;
2)bonds placement procedure – the bonds are subject to private placement;
3)bonds circulation procedure – 3 (three) working days after the date of
inclusion of the issuer's bonds in the official list of "Kazakhstan Stock
Exchange" JSC;
4)bonds circulation term – 10 (ten) years from the date of commencement of
bonds circulation, including 2 (two) years of grace period for the payment of
the principal debt;
5)bonds redemption procedure – the bonds are redeemed by transferring
money to the accounts of the bondholders registered by the registrar in the
register of bondholders as of the date preceding the date of bond redemption;
6)use of funds received by the issuer as a result of the placement of bonds –
financing of the project "Reconstruction and expansion of the main water
pipeline "Astrakhan-Mangyshlak" stage 1";
7)issue amount – 50,000,000,000 (fifty billion) Tenge;
8)number of bonds – 50,000,000 (fifty million) pcs;
9)type of bonds – coupon bonds, unsecured;
10)nominal value of bonds – 1,000 (one thousand) Tenge;
11)interest on bonds – 0.5% per annum, payable twice a year (April 1 and
October 1) each calendar year;
12)the rights conferred by each bond to its holder:
the right to receive the nominal value upon redemption of the bonds in the
manner and within the time limits set forth in the private memorandum;
the right to receive on the bonds a fixed percentage of their nominal value at
the time and in the amount set forth in the private memorandum;
the right to satisfaction of their claims in cases and in the manner
prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
the right to freely alienate and otherwise dispose of the bonds;
the right to receive information as stipulated by the legislation of the
Republic of Kazakhstan;
other rights arising from the ownership of the bonds.