/KASE, December 28, 2022/ – Crystal Management JSC (Almaty), whose shares
are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has provided
KASE with copies of the registered changes to the share issue prospectus
and certificate of state registration of the authorized shares issue dated
December 22, 2022, replacing the one issued previously.
According to the mentioned documents:
- the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development
of the Financial Market registered changes to the issue prospectus of the
company shares;
- the said certificate was replaced due to an increase in the number of
authorized common shares of the company and issued taking into account
the previously authorized 35,670,200 common shares of the company;
- the issue is divided in 71,340,401 common shares KZ1C00001486.
These changes are published (in Kazakh and Russian) on KASE website –