Volume of trades in shares in "KASE Global" sector from November 1 to 4 amounted to KZT109.7 mln ($236.2 th.)

07.11.22 15:50
/KASE, November 7, 2022/ – Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) presents the results of share trading in the "KASE Global" sector from November 1 to 4, 2022. During the indicated period 499 deals with 5,450 shares of foreign companies were made in the "KASE Global" sector for a total amount of KZT109.7 mln. ------------------------------------------------------------- Change in Trading Number of Number of share price Ticker volume, USD deals, pcs. shares, pcs. during period, % ------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ---------------- PYPL_KZ 47,967 46 666 -10.1 PFE_KZ 44,423 42 941 +1.4 GDX_KZ 35,393 20 1,513 +3.3 BAC_KZ 21,016 26 584 +2.1 T_KZ 14,232 40 777 +0.5 NVDA_KZ 12,222 11 90 +4.9 AMD_KZ 11,255 46 186 +3.5 AAPL_KZ 8,693 33 60 -9.8 INTC_KZ 7,862 65 281 -0.8 META_KZ 7,261 22 72 -2.5 TSLA_KZ 7,107 19 24 -8.8 MSFT_KZ 4,440 15 20 -4.6 JPM_KZ 2,798 4 22 +3.8 CRM_KZ 2,752 2 18 -14.0 KO_KZ 1,332 14 21 -1.0 VZ_KZ 1,280 4 34 -0.3 C_KZ 1,135 7 25 -1.6 XOM_KZ 1,102 7 10 +1.4 CAT_KZ 907 2 4 +5.3 AIR_KZ 889 4 8 +4.0 SBUX_KZ 703 4 8 +6.1 F_KZ 673 43 49 +1.0 AAL_KZ 489 20 29 -0.5 URA_KZ 103 1 5 +0.2 FCX_KZ 64 1 2 +11.0 MU_KZ 60 1 1 +3.8 ABT_KZ – – – -0.9 AEP_KZ – – – +1.9 AMZN_KZ – – – -11.2 BA_KZ – – – +12.3 COP_KZ – – – +4.9 FTNT_KZ – – – -17.6 JNJ_KZ – – – -1.4 MA_KZ – – – -3.0 MRNA_KZ – – – +5.4 NEM_KZ – – – -3.1 NFLX_KZ – – – -10.7 NKE_KZ – – – +3.4 QCOM_KZ – – – -9.3 BIIB_KZ – – – -0.6 M_KZ – – – -6.0 TWTR_KZ – – – 0.0 TXN_KZ – – – +1.3 UBER_KZ – – – +6.8 MTB_KZ – – – -0.8 IBM_KZ – – – -1.0 CCJ_KZ – – – -4.8 KLAC_KZ – – – +3.7 DIS_KZ – – – -6.5 HYG_KZ – – – -0.7 LQD_KZ – – – -0.2 XLP_KZ – – – -1.2 XLU_KZ – – – +0.5 ------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ---------------- TOTAL 236,158 499 5,450 ------------------------------------------------------------- The following securities accounted for the largest trading volume during the said period: - US70450Y1038 (PYPL_KZ) of PayPal Holdings Inc. – 46 deals for a total amount of KZT22.2 mln; - US7170811035 (PFE_KZ) of Pfizer Inc. – 42 deals for a total amount of KZT20.7 mln; - US92189F1066 (GDX_KZ) of VanEck Gold Miners ETF – 20 deals for a total amount of KZT16.5 mln. Among the main categories of investors, the largest share fell on individuals – 50.3 %, the share of other legal entities accounted for 44.2 % of the total volume of transactions with shares, the share of brokerage and dealer organizations – for 5.5 %. At present, trades in 53 securities of 51 foreign issuers are included in the KASE Global sector. [2022-11-07]